What is it about?

K-12 schools and community colleges and universities are under pressure to work harder to see their students achieve their degrees or specialized certificates. This article shows how both degrees and certificates were dramatically increased at Illinois Valley Community College in Illinois over a four-year period. It was endorsed by the governing board, teachers in all fields of the college and administrators.

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Why is it important?

Far too many K-12 schools and colleges do not spend effort in showing students how they can complete their degree(s) or certificate(s). This is an emphasis in much need of improvement in the U.S. and around the world.


The research in this article proves that dramatic degree/certificate completion can be achieved if seriously pursued by schools and colleges.

Hans Andrews
Olney Central College: Illinois Eastern Community Colleges

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Degree Completion is an “All-In” Process!, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, August 2018, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2018.1505570.
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