What is it about?
Handling small animals such as C. elegans worms and zebrafish is challenging due to their small size. Often, manual handling is the only option, which can be tedious. To solve this problem, we have developed a soft tube that can be used to manipulate these small multicellular organisms easily.
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Why is it important?
Small multicellular organisms such as C. elegans and Zebrafish are quintessential model organisms in biological and biomedical studies. Easy handling and manipulation would expedite research with these organisms.
Our simple approach could easily be adopted in labs and utilized by researchers working on C. elegans and zebrafish without prior training or complicated instrumentation.
Yong-Ak Song
New York University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: 3D manipulation of small multicellular organisms in soft microtubes, AIP Advances, November 2024, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0231925.
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