What is it about?
Single droplets or multiple of them or many of them (spray) are important in many technological applications, such as coating, cooling, combustion etc.. This study showcase the development of a drop on demand device, which can generate large droplets (in the order of mm), with the use of experiments and simulations in a complementary manner.
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Why is it important?
Controlled generation of large droplets can be later used in fundamental research related different phenomena, such as heat transfer, phase change, atomization, etc.. The diameter of the droplets generated by this device are repetitive. Moreover, it can be an economical alternative to laboratory equipment.
This system has generated single large droplets on demand. It will be used to study atomization of droplets in turbulent flows. I can also be used for drop impact studies. Nowadays we can generate twin droplets, with the same system. We hope that our system can show how to built a droplet on demand device for laboratories.
Özgür Ertunç
Ozyegin Universitesi
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A solenoid injector based drop-on-demand system for generating large droplets, Review of Scientific Instruments, September 2023, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0148517.
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