What is it about?
The present study highlights the exergetic life cycle performances and environmental impacts of waste cooking oil (WCO) microemulsion biofuel in compression ignition (CI) engine. The combustion exergy and exergetic life cycle assessment (ELCA) analyses of the exhaust gases are conducted for investigating the cogeneration potential of CI engine. The engine performance and emission characteristics were also evaluated for WCO microemulsion biofuel- petrodiesel blends (WMBDs). Additionally, the environmental impacts of WMBDs are interpreted using life cycle assessment (LCA).
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Why is it important?
The present study highlights the exergetic life cycle performances and environmental impacts of waste cooking oil (WCO) microemulsion biofuel in compression ignition (CI) engine. The combustion exergy and exergetic life cycle assessment (ELCA) analyses of the exhaust gases are conducted for investigating the cogeneration potential of CI engine. The engine performance and emission characteristics were also evaluated for WCO microemulsion biofuel- petrodiesel blends (WMBDs). Additionally, the environmental impacts of WMBDs are interpreted using life cycle assessment (LCA).
This manuscript addresses the twin issues of Energy and Environment. The sustainability of WMBDs was investigated in the present study. The combustion exergy and exergoenvironmental life cycle assessments along with engine performance and emission characteristic study suggests that WMBDs offer strong candidature as a sustainable environmentally benign alternative fuel for CI engine based power generation processes.
Plaban Bora
Assam Science and Technology University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Exergetic and environmental life cycle assessments for waste cooking oil microemulsion biofuel in compression ignition engine, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, March 2023, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0143658.
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