What is it about?
Resilience is a necessary aspect of any infrastructure, in order to accommodate hazardous events and recover from them. It also facilitates the development of strong and secure systems that continue to provide services during community recovery efforts. This includes systems that provide services to communities across regions as well as those that support other supply chain systems in providing goods and services. In this book, the authors provide a high-level methodology suggesting a step-by-step process for the analysis of resilience of an infrastructure. It builds upon several themes including selecting an initial design, computing probabilities, estimating potential failure consequences, tracking information flow, and accounting for other considerations. This methodology can help design secure systems and address recovery after a disaster. Further, they describe in detail the application of this methodology as a case study on the response to the flooding and damage caused to the Interstate-95 in North Carolina by a hurricane in 2016.
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Why is it important?
The proposed methodology sheds light on the importance of the different perspectives and interdependencies among infrastructure systems and the advantages of including all aspects of resilience for a thorough resilience analysis. Moreover, it stresses the requirement for enhanced tools and data for the analysis. Linking this methodology to an actual disaster event provides useful insight on asset and risk management, lifecycle cost analysis, and on important measures that may have been overlooked. KEY TAKEAWAY: Resilience should not be treated as a separate concept but as a quantifiable and analyzable characteristic of a system. Damage to infrastructures yields large direct and indirect costs. This must be limited with the incorporation of resilience during engineering infrastructure systems to ensure the safety of communities and the environment. This research relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals: • SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities • SDG 13: Climate Action • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Leaders and experts prepared this chapter with whom I have had long standing collaborations. It builds on expertise and experiences by researchers and engineers from the academic, private and public sectors, and structured and detailed to be broadly based to enable consistency and appropriateness across many fields and domains.
Bilal Ayyub
University of Maryland at College Park
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A Methodology for Assessing Hazard-Resilience Infrastructure, May 2021, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
DOI: 10.1061/9780784415757.ch2.
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