What is it about?
Recently, few researchers investigated algorithms of image encryption using different chaotic economic maps (CEMs). However, the authors investigated the effect of these maps on the encryption of the plain image. In the current study, an image encryption algorithm via Fisher–Yates shuffling (FYS) combined with a three-dimensional (3D) CEM is given. FYS is used to generate the random permutation of a finite sequence. First, it is used to shuffle the rows and the columns of the plain image. Second, the 3DCEM is used in the substitution stage to confuse the pixels of the shuffling image. The proposed algorithm is applied to several types of images. Many measurements are performed to check the security and performance of the proposed algorithm. In addition, numerical simulations and experimental results have been implemented to verify that the proposed algorithm can resist different attack types.
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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Why is it important?
In the current study, an image encryption algorithm via Fisher–Yates shuffling (FYS) combined with a three- dimensional (3D) CEM is given.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Image Encryption Based on Fisher-Yates Shuffling and Three Dimensional ChaoticEconomic Map, IET Image Processing, May 2019, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (the IET),
DOI: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2018.5142.
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