All Stories

  1. Advanced color image encryption using third-order differential equations and three-dimensional logistic map
  2. An image steganography algorithm via a compression and chaotic maps
  3. Medical image steganographic algorithm via modified LSB method and chaotic map
  4. Image encryption algorithm
  5. Image encryption based on Fisher-Yates shuffling and three dimensional chaotic economic map
  6. An Algorithm of Image Encryption Using Logistic and Two-Dimensional Chaotic Economic Maps
  7. Encryption Algorithm of Multiple-Image Using MIES and 2-Dimensional Chaotic Economic Map
  8. Image encryption via economic chaotic map
  9. Erratum: A new cryptographic algorithm based on pixel shuffling and dynamical chaotic economic map
  10. On Solving Comrade Linear Systems Via Transformations
  11. On the Inverting of a General Heptadiagonal Matrix
  12. Inversion of General Cyclic Heptadiagonal Matrices
  13. Two algorithms for solving comrade linear systems
  14. Inversion of general tridiagonal matrices