What is it about?
In psychodynamic therapy, there are travels in inner time through patients' personal pasts, presents, and futures. These travels support the initiation and continuation of positive changes often made through the revisions of memories and understandings. Consequently, there develops a more integrated sense of the self through time.
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Why is it important?
This paper adds to the understanding of how psychodynamic psychotherapy works.
This article helps satisfy my curiosity about how psychodynamic psychotherapy works. To bolster my argument, I very much enjoyed pulling in material from a variety of sources: psychodynamic theory, other psychological disciplines, neuroscience, philosophy, and literature.
Beth Fineberg
Private Practice
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Subjective time travel fosters psychodynamic change., Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, May 2023, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/teo0000229.
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