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How can university educators prepare their students for career success? College career courses represent one promising solution. This article examined more than 45 years of research on college career instruction with a special emphasis on career courses in psychology and found that career course intervention studies have consistently shown positive results for students, both in terms of immediate gains in career readiness (e.g., improved career decision-making skills, increased occupational knowledge, and stronger vocational identity) and later outcomes like higher cumulative GPA, improved graduation rate, and greater job satisfaction. The article also highlights critical elements of effective career course interventions, strategies for designing and managing career courses, and other recommendations for those looking to implement a career course at their institution.

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This page is a summary of: College career courses and instructional research from 1976 through 2019., Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, April 2021, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/stl0000254.
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