What is it about?

Shifting paradigms from a colonial frame toward an Indigenous way of knowing asks for a Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team (MHT) at First Nations Community HealthSource (FNCH) in Albuquerque, New Mexico to engage in reflection on how racialized stigma can shape relational discord in clinic. The impact of racist medical ideologies about alcohol genes and portrayals of Native Americans as violent and aggressive are significant contributing factors to health disparities. The research design and relational analysis center resilience beginning with what was present in relationship dynamics when crisis was prevented. The perspectives of clients and integrated healthcare providers help to understand the quality of relationship and attention needed for MHT cohesion.

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Why is it important?

Cohesion on a MHT is a dynamic of mutuality needed for a team to provide crisis stabilization and prevention. The theme of cohesion was emphasized by integrated healthcare providers describing the presence of colleagues who are informed, dependable, and have open communication with one another and the client as a whole team supported within the organization and in connection with inter-organizational systems.


An over emphasis on the mindfulness of individuals in clinic, among clients or integrated healthcare providers, can compound ethical distress and escalate crisis when contributing factors are not addressed.

Dr. Ennis Quinn Stanley
New Mexico Highlands University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A relational ecology for crisis prevention among unhoused indigenous peoples in Albuquerque., Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, May 2023, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/int0000308.
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