What is it about?

In-depth interviews with 32 spiritual exemplars of different traditions and spiritual paths about their experience of Living Transcendence revealed several characteristics of that experience - it is constant and ever-present, even through the storms of life; it is supremely positive and associated with love, joy and a sense of the sacred; and it is associated with a special kind of motivation: the will to be in service of one's calling.

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Why is it important?

The study of Living Transcendence holds great potential for illuminating the universal spiritual essence of various religious traditions and spiritual paths, while revealing differences in “flavors” of that essence. Exploration of the lived experience of that essence may be in the service of creating interreligious bridges of shared interest, understanding, appreciation and dialogue among them.


What is it that enables some rare individuals to live consistently on a spiritual high plateau, while most religious and spiritual seekers and practitioners only experience glimpses of that possibility in fleeting peak experiences? Seeking to make the leap from "peak spiritual experiences" to a "spiritual high plateau" myself, I set out to explore this question by interviewing spiritual masters / exemplars / adept of different traditions and paths about their experience of Living Transcendence.

Amir Freimann
University of Haifa

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Living transcendence: A phenomenological study of spiritual exemplars., The Humanistic Psychologist, May 2024, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/hum0000359.
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