What is it about?
Challenges the widespread notion that there are a handful of basic emotions, each with a standard facial expression, by arguing that past emotions were evaluated, expressed, theorized, and even felt in ways very foreign to modern Western science. These differences are studied through the lens of "emotional communities"--groups that had their own particular emotions norms.
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Why is it important?
Just as historians of emotion need to read what scientists say, so scientists are here alerted to why they should read historians.
This wider view of emotional expression opens up new ways for us to teach our children and ourselves about how to "see" and "interpret" emotions on the faces and through the gestures and words of others.
Barbara Rosenwein
Loyola University Chicago
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Emotions: Some historical observations., History of Psychology, May 2021, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/hop0000160.
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