What is it about?

Comprehension of expository science texts presented digitally is a challenging endeavor, particularly for children. This paper uses a game-based learning approach to simultaneously encourage both reading comprehension and reading motivation with 5th grade students.

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Why is it important?

Our findings suggest an increase in reading comprehension and reading motivation for students who played Missions with Monty relative to those who used a similar computer-based learning environment without game elements. This indicates the importance of providing strategy training and distributed practice in an engaging context, thereby customizing learning for children in a manner not possible in traditional classrooms.


The process of seeing this study published beginning from the development of the environment itself through publication has been extremely rewarding, particularly working with a great team to develop a powerful learning tool that we can put into the hands of teachers. We look forward to expanding the breadth, capabilities, and scale of the program in the future.

John Nietfeld
North Carolina State University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Examining the effects of a game-based learning environment on fifth graders’ reading comprehension and reading motivation., Journal of Educational Psychology, May 2024, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/edu0000874.
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