What is it about?

Babies starts to learn about counting when they watch you count for them. But do babies also learn from videos of counting? Our study shows that babies' memory can benefit from counting videos as early as 14 months of age.

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Why is it important?

Children's early experience with counting is important for their later development of math skills. As more and more of children's early learning experience becomes virtual, it is important to understand whether children can learn from videos, and if so, whether there is an age limit to virtual learning.


My daughter was born at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of family visits, most of her social interactions were through video chat. And like many parents, I started to worry whether this hinders her learning about the world. This project is a very small step towards understanding this very big question: how do videos influence our young children? Our results show the optimistic story that counting videos do seem to have some benefits for babies. However, much more work awaits to be done to fully understand the effects and scopes of educational videos, and how we can best help our children learn and grow.

Jenny Wang
Rutgers University New Brunswick

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Does virtual counting count for babies? Evidence from an online looking time study., Developmental Psychology, November 2022, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/dev0001478.
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