What is it about?
Milton Erickson created a non-standardized therapeutic modality that focuses on the specific needs and subtle, subliminal behaviors of its patients, resulting in innovative therapeutic interventions. We provide a comment on a paper by Short (see record 2021-67326-001) who described a structure to assist Eriksonian Therapy (ET) to become mainstream by being more scientifically rigorous. Our paper highlights the extensive work that needs to be done to develop empirical support for Ericksonian Therapy becoming more professionally accepted.
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Why is it important?
Elements of Ericksonian interventions have become foundational to many theories of psychotherapy. It is critical to develop an empirically-based framework to help Ericksonian Therapy examine its core elements to provide clarity in its model of assessment and intervention.
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Can Ericksonian therapy become mainstream?, Clinical Psychology Science and Practice, September 2021, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/cps0000001.
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