What is it about?
In the present work, the Light Induced White Emission (LIWE) was investigated as one of the sources of laser loss in transparent Cr:YAG ceramics. We have found that transparent Cr:YAG ceramics is capable of generating bright LIWE at excitation powers above a certain threshold. Intensity of LIWE strongly depends on the excitation power and ambient pressure. The host temperature estimated from Cr3+ luminescence was found to be below 600 ◦C, while the most intense white emission was found between 50 and 400 ◦C. The mechanism of the laser induced white emission was discussed in terms of Intervalence Charge Transfer (IVCT) in chromium mixed valence pair.
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Why is it important?
The influence of divalent dopant can be significant because Cr4+ ions exist as [Me2+...Cr4+] complex, where Me2+-Ca2+ or/and Mg2+. Therefore, the type of divalent dopant and/or matrix can be critical to the LIWE efficiency and, as a result, can affect the laser properties of Cr4+-doped materials.
This article opens up new possibilities for studying the Laser-Induced White Emission phenomena in transparent materials.
Mykhailo Chaika
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Infrared laser stimulated broadband white emission of transparent Cr:YAG ceramics obtained by solid state reaction sintering, Optical Materials, January 2021, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2020.110673.
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