What is it about?
The aim of the research was to investigate the influence of cement/aggregate particles friction during mortar mixing on the properties of water-saturated SA. Novel mechanism of SAP hydrogel fragmentation was identified as one of the causes of differences in internal curing efficiency dependent on SAP state (water-saturated/non-saturated). Due to mixing process the surface area of tested SAP increased about 10 times. It was found that dosing SAP in a hydrogel form results in more homogenous SAP distribution within cement matrix. Such a modification of SAP dosing process enables to increase the efficiency of concrete internal curing. It was confirmed by obtained results for concrete mechanical strength and freeze-thaw resistance.
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Why is it important?
New approach to SAP polymer incorporation into cement based mortars and concrete.
Applying the SAP hydrogel instead of dry SAP powder gives better curing effects thus better quality of composites.
Doctor Joanna Julia Sokołowska
Politechnika Warszawska
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Effect of mechanically-induced fragmentation of polyacrylic superabsorbent polymer (SAP) hydrogel on the properties of cement composites, Construction and Building Materials, December 2020, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120135.
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