All Stories

  1. The trajectory of the colour line in a US immigrant gateway: hyperdiverse spatialization in Los Angeles
  2. 3. East Asian Immigration: Historical Trends and Contemporary Issues in Movement to the United States
  3. Chapter 6 Delinquency and Acculturation in the Twenty-first Century: A Decade’s Change in a Vietnamese American Community
  4. Differentiation from above and below: Evolving immigration policy and the integration dilemma in Singapore
  5. Chinese entrepreneurship in a globalized world: place, space, and mobilities
  6. Divergent experiences and patterns of integration: contemporary Chinese immigrants in metropolitan Los Angeles, USA
  7. Gender and Transnational Dynamics in Immigrant Entrepreneurship
  8. Family, Gender, Ethnicity, and Pragmatism in Contemporary Diasporic Chinese Entrepreneurship
  9. Understanding Intraethnic Diversity
  10. Involuntary migration, context of reception, and social mobility: the case of Vietnamese refugee resettlement in the United States
  11. New dynamics of multinational migration: Chinese and Indian migrants in Singapore and Los Angeles
  12. The reigning misperception about culture and Asian American achievement
  13. Promoting Research on Global Chinese Philanthropy: an Introduction to the Special Issue
  14. The model minority stereotype and the national identity question: the challenges facing Asian immigrants and their children
  15. Global dynamics of immigrant entrepreneurship
  16. Precarious Talent: highly skilled Chinese and Indian immigrants in Singapore
  17. Divergent Destinies: Children of Immigrants Growing Up in the United States
  18. Simultaneous Embeddedness in Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Global Forces Behind Chinese-Owned Nail Salons in New York City
  19. Remittances and Social Status Compensation
  20. Why class matters less for Asian-American academic achievement
  21. Hyper-selectivity and the remaking of culture: Understanding the Asian American achievement paradox.
  22. Contemporary Chinese Diasporas
  23. Intra-Asian Chinese Migrations: A Historical Overview
  24. Immigrant Entrepreneurship and Diasporic Development: The Case of New Chinese Migrants in the USA
  25. Unravelling the link between culture and achievement
  26. Cross-space Consumption among Undocumented Chinese Immigrants in the United States
  27. Editors’ Note
  28. Chinese Attitudes toward African Migrants in Guangzhou, China
  29. Homeland engagement and host-society integration: A comparative study of new Chinese immigrants in the United States and Singapore
  30. Entrepreneurship and interracial dynamics: a case study of self-employed Africans and Chinese in Guangzhou, China
  31. Editors’ Note
  32. Assimilation and Its Discontents
  33. Editors’ Note
  34. Transnational Entrepreneurship and Immigrant Integration: New Chinese Immigrants in Singapore and the United States
  35. Editors’ Note
  36. Segmented assimilation and socio-economic integration of Chinese immigrant children in the USA
  37. Assessing what is cultural about Asian Americans’ academic advantage
  38. The Success Frame and Achievement Paradox: The Costs and Consequences for Asian Americans
  39. Cultural Psychology of Immigrants
  40. Transnationalism and Community Building
  41. Ethnic enclaves and niches
  42. Book Review: The Store in the Hood: A Century of Ethnic Businesses and Conflict
  43. Segmented Assimilation and the American Experience of Asian Immigrant Children
  44. Transnationalism and Development: Mexican and Chinese Immigrant Organizations in the United States
  45. Thinking Comprehensively About Education
  46. New Faces in New Places: The Changing Geography of American Immigration – Edited by Douglas S. Massey
  47. Noneconomic effects of ethnic entrepreneurship: A focused look at the Chinese and Korean enclave economies in Los Angeles
  48. How Neighbourhoods Matter for Immigrant Children: The Formation of Educational Resources in Chinatown, Koreatown and Pico Union, Los Angeles
  49. Media and the Chinese Diaspora
  50. Success Attained, Deterred, and Denied: Divergent Pathways to Social Mobility in Los Angeles's New Second Generation
  51. Paper Families: Identity, Immigration Administration, and Chinese Exclusion. By Estelle T. Lau. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2006. Pp. x + 214. $74.95 (cloth); $21.95 (paper).
  52. The Ethnic System of Supplementary Education: Nonprofit and For-Profit Institutions in Los Angeles’ Chinese Immigrant Community
  53. Rethinking Residential Assimilation: The Case of a Chinese Ethnoburb in the San Gabriel Valley, California
  55. Chinese Ethnic Business
  56. The Significance of Ethnicity in Immigrant Enterprises
  57. Community Forces, Social Capital, and Educational Achievement: The Case of Supplementary Education in the Chinese and Korean Immigrant Communities
  58. Revisiting Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Convergencies, Controversies, and Conceptual Advancements1
  59. Transnationalism and American Exports in an English-Speaking World1
  60. The Chinese Diaspora and International Migration
  61. The multifaceted American experiences of the children of Asian immigrants: Lessons for segmented assimilation
  62. Asian American Youth
  63. Immigrants in the U.S. Economy
  64. Ethnic language schools and the development of supplementary education in the immigrant Chinese community in the United States
  65. Urban Education: Challenges in Educating Culturally Diverse Children
  66. Being Well vs. Doing Well: Self-Esteem and School Performance among Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Racial and Ethnic Groups
  68. Social Capital as Process: The Meanings and Problems of a Theoretical Metaphor
  69. Family Pressure and the Educational Experience of the Daughters of Vietnamese Refugees
  70. Formation, consolidation, and diversification of the ethnic elite: The case of the Chinese immigrant community in the United States
  71. Black Identities: West Indian Immigrant Dreams and American Realities. By Mary C. Waters. Harvard University Press, 1999. 413 pp. Cloth, $35.00
  72. Chinese Christians in America: Conversion, Assimilation, and Adhesive Identities. Fenggang Yang
  73. Ethnic Segmentation in the American Metropolis: Increasing Divergence in Economic Incorporation, 1980-1990
  74. Forever Foreigners or Honorary Whites? The Asian Ethnic Experience Today.
  75. Coming of Age: The Current Situation of Asian American Children
  76. "Parachute Kids" in Southern California: The Educational Experience of Chinese Children in Transnational Families
  77. The Korean American Dream: Immigrants and Small Business in New York City
  78. Segmented Assimilation: Issues, Controversies, and Recent Research on the New Second Generation
  79. Valedictorians and delinquents: The bifurcation of Vietnamese American youth
  80. Growing Up American: The Challenge Confronting Immigrant Children and Children of Immigrants
  81. The Academic Achievement of Vietnamese American Students: Ethnicity as Social Capital
  82. Segmented Assimilation: Issues, Controversies, and Recent Research on the New Second Generation
  83. Market Transition and the Commodification of Housing in Urban China*
  84. The Ethnic Church, Ethnic Identifcation, and the Social Adjustment of Vietnamese Adolescents
  85. Self-Employment and the Earnings of Immigrants
  86. Religious Participation, Ethnic Identification, and Adaptation of Vietnamese Adolescents in an Immigrant Community
  87. Effects of Minority-Language Literacy on the Academic Achievement of Vietnamese Youths in New Orleans
  88. Social Capital and the Adaptation of the Second Generation: The Case of Vietnamese Youth in New Orleans
  89. An Analysis of Earnings Patterns for Chinese, Japanese, and Non-Hispanic White Males in the United States
  90. Social Capital and the Adaptation of the Second Generation: The Case of Vietnamese Youth in New Orleans
  91. Work and its place in the lives of immigrant women: Garment workers in New York City's Chinatown
  92. The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and its Variants
  93. Chinatown: Most Time, Hard Time.
  94. Underemployment and economic disparities among minority groups
  95. In and Out of Chinatown: Residential Mobility and Segregation of New York City's Chinese
  96. Chinatowns: Towns within Cities in Canada.David Chuenyan Lai
  97. Returns on Human Capital in Ethic Enclaves: New York City's Chinatown
  98. Understanding ethnicity from a community perspective
  99. Segmented Assimilation
  100. Non-Economic Effects of Ethnic Entrepreneurship
  101. Assimilation, Segmented
  102. Chinese Parachute Kids
  103. Ethnic System of Supplementary Education
  104. Trapped in Neglected Corners of a Booming Metropolis: Residential Patterns and Marginalization of Migrant Workers in Guangzhou
  105. Ethnicity as social capital: community-based institutions and embedded networks of social relations
  106. Divergent Origins and Destinies: Children of Asian Immigrants