All Stories

  1. New dynamics of multinational migration: Chinese and Indian migrants in Singapore and Los Angeles
  2. Collective appropriation and cooperative uses of mobile telephony among Burmese fishers
  3. Book review: After access: Inclusion, development, and a more mobile InternetDonnerJonathan, After access: Inclusion, development, and a more mobile Internet. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2015. 312 pp. ISBN 9780262029926, $40.00.
  4. Belonging and communicating in a bounded cosmopolitanism: the role of mobile phones in the integration of transnational migrants in Singapore
  5. Is (the study of) mobile phones old wine in a new bottle? A polemic on communication-based acculturation research
  6. Mobile/Social Media Use for Political Purposes Among Migrant Laborers in Singapore
  7. Migrant mothering and mobile phones: Negotiations of transnational identity
  8. Acknowledgement of contributions by reviewers