All Stories

  1. Trends in the prevalence of grandparents living with grandchild(ren) in selected European countries and the United States
  2. The decision to work after state pension age and how it affects quality of life: evidence from a 6-year English panel study
  3. Understanding Pension Decisions: Recruiting and Sampling Participants in Private Sector Organizations
  4. Returns to work after retirement: a prospective study of unretirement in the United Kingdom
  5. Do work and family care histories predict health in older women?
  6. Politicisation in later life: experience and motivations of older people participating in a protest for the first time
  7. Is being in paid work beyond state pension age beneficial for health? Evidence from England using a life-course approach
  8. Relationship between employment histories and frailty trajectories in later life: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
  9. How important are state transfers for reducing poverty rates in later life?
  10. What Drives National Differences in Intensive Grandparental Childcare in Europe?
  11. Financing Later Life & Financial Capability
  12. Financing later life: pensions, care, housing equity and the new politics of old age
  13. Coping with Age-related Threats to Role Identity: Older Couples and the Management of Household Money
  14. Ethnicity as a Determining Factor for Instrumental Support in Mid and Later Life in England and Wales
  15. Financial planning for social care in later life: the ‘shadow’ of fourth age dependency
  16. Behind Closed Doors: Older Couples and the Gendered Management of Household Money
  17. Towards a new pension settlement? Recent pension reform in the UK
  18. Closing the Gender Gap in Retirement Income: What Difference Will Recent UK Pension Reforms Make?
  20. Why are older women in the UK poor?
  21. Gender and Generational Continuity Breadwinners, Caregivers and Pension Provision in the UK
  22. Pension sharing on divorce: the future for women
  23. Pension Accumulation and Gendered Household Structures : What are the Implications of Changes in Family Formation for Future Financial Inequality?
  24. The Future of Inequalities in Retirement Income