All Stories

  1. Selling surveillance technology: semiotic themes in advertisements for ageing in place with dementia
  2. Relational experiences of people seeking help and assessment for subjective cognitive concern and memory loss
  3. Care workers, the unacknowledged persons in person-centred care: A secondary qualitative analysis of UK care home staff interviews
  4. Topographies of ‘care pathways’ and ‘healthscapes’: Reconsidering the multiple journeys of people with a brain tumour
  5. Ageing, dementia and the social mind: past, present and future perspectives
  6. Ageing, corporeality and social divisions in later life
  7. Connecting Life Span Development with the Sociology of the Life Course: A New Direction
  8. A decade of research using the CASP scale: key findings and future directions
  9. Studying dementia: the relevance of the fourth age
  10. Revisionist or simply wrong? A response to Armstrong's article on chronic illness
  11. Phillipson, C. Ageing, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013. 192 pp. £50.00 (hbk) ISBN: 978-0-7456-3084-7
  12. The experiences of close persons caring for people with chronic kidney disease stage 5 on conservative kidney management: Contested discourses of ageing
  13. The fourth age and the concept of a ‘social imaginary’: A theoretical excursus
  14. Editorial
  15. Social class in later life
  16. ‘Disturbances in the field’: The challenge of changes in ageing and later life for social theory and health
  17. Financial planning for social care in later life: the ‘shadow’ of fourth age dependency
  18. Risk owners and risk managers: Dealing with the complexity of feeding children with neurodevelopmental disability
  19. Choice, consumerism and devolution: growing old in the welfare state(s) of Scotland, Wales and England
  20. Neuroculture, active ageing and the ‘older brain’: problems, promises and prospects
  21. Ageing abjection and embodiment in the fourth age
  22. Consumption and Aging
  23. The natural, the normal and the normative: Contested terrains in ageing and old age
  24. Generational conflict, consumption and the ageing welfare state in the United Kingdom
  25. Aging without agency: Theorizing the fourth age
  26. Review: Taking care of yourself in later life: A qualitative study into the use of non-prescription medicines by people aged 60+
  27. The Experience of Retirement in Second Modernity
  28. The Power of Silver: Age and Identity Politics in the 21st Century
  29. Critical and reflective gerontology
  30. Not just old and sick – the ‘will to health’ in later life
  31. Internet use and the digital divide in the English longitudinal study of ageing
  32. Promoting mental health in later life
  33. The Evaluation of a Self-enumerated Scale of Quality of Life (CASP-19) in the Context of Research on Ageing: A Combination of Exploratory and Confirmatory Approaches
  34. The Impact of Age, Place, Aging in Place, and Attachment to Place on the Well-Being of the Over 50s in England
  35. "Grey Nomads" in Australia: Are They a Good Model for Successful Aging and Health?
  36. Jason L. Powell, Social Theory and Aging, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland, 2005, 157 pp., pbk $16.95, ISBN 0 7425 1954 6.
  37. Departing the margins
  38. Stephen Katz, Cultural Aging: Life Course, Lifestyle and Senior Worlds, Broadview, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, 2005, 272 pp., pbk Can.$31.95, ISBN 1 5511 1577 8.
  39. Lars Andersson (ed.), Cultural Gerontology, Auburn House, Westport, Connecticut, 2002, 232 pp., hbk $65.95, ISBN 0 86569 327 7.
  40. Quality of life in the third age: key predictors of the CASP-19 measure
  41. Life course influences on quality of life in early old age
  42. The effects of pre-retirement factors and retirement route on circumstances in retirement: findings from the Whitehall II study
  43. Pathways to early retirement: structure and agency in decision-making among British civil servants
  44. A measure of quality of life in early old age: The theory, development and properties of a needs satisfaction model (CASP-19)
  45. The third age: class, cohort or generation?