All Stories

  1. A vignette study of option refusal and decision deferral as two forms of decision avoidance: Situational and personal predictors
  2. Kreatives Problemlösen in PISA 2012
  3. Editorial: Complex Problem Solving Beyond the Psychometric Approach
  4. Competencies for Complexity: Problem Solving in the Twenty-First Century
  5. Who should become my next colleague in Academia?
  6. What are the important features that define complex problems?
  7. Measuring Individual Differences in Implicit Learning with Artificial Grammar Learning Tasks
  8. Epilogue
  9. The development and assessment of problem solving in 21st-century schools
  10. The Nature of Problem Solving
  11. complex problem solving is more than solving linear equations
  12. Dynamic Problem Solving: Multiple-Item Testing Based on Minimally Complex Systems
  13. How Much Knowledge Is Necessary for Action?
  14. The Heidelberg Inventory of Geographic System Competency Model
  15. Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Creative Option Generation in Everyday Life Situations
  16. Canadian and United States Students: What about their problem-solving performance!
  17. Mind mapping: not so sucessful?
  18. positive pictures were better memorized
  19. Kosmetik im Wandel der Jahrtausende
  20. Assessing analytic and interactive aspects of problem solving competency
  21. Improving Stock-Flow Reasoning With Verbal Formats
  22. Climate change from a psychological point of view
  23. Comprehension of climate change and environmental attitudes across the lifespan
  24. minimal complex systems are not measuring complex problem solving
  25. there is no proof that mirror neuron activity leads to action understanding
  26. Kommentare zu Bruder et al. (2014). Ein national gefördertes Onlinelabor als Infrastruktur für die psychologische Forschung
  27. Predictors for Improvement of Problem-Solving during Cognitive Remediation for Patients with Schizophrenia
  28. Cross-national gender differences in complex problem solving and their determinants
  29. Model-Based Identification of EEG Markers for Learning Opportunities in an Associative Learning Task with Delayed Feedback
  30. Mathematical Models of Perception and Generation of Art Works by Dynamic Motions
  31. Human Problem Solving in 2012
  32. Planning impairments in schizophrenia: Specificity, task independence and functional relevance
  33. Scientific computing for the cognitive sciences
  34. A decomposition approach for a new test-scenario in complex problem solving
  35. Complex problem solving in educational contexts—Something beyond g: Concept, assessment, measurement invariance, and construct validity.
  36. Computer-based assessment of Complex Problem Solving: concept, implementation, and application
  37. Perspectives on Problem Solving in Educational Assessment: Analytical, Interactive, and Collaborative Problem Solving
  38. Dealing with the uncertainties of climate engineering: Warnings from a psychological complex problem solving perspective
  39. Dynamische Problemlösekompetenz
  40. Dynamic Problem Solving
  41. The Process of Solving Complex Problems
  42. Complex problem solving — More than reasoning?
  43. Prüfung der Potenzialausschöpfungshypothese
  44. Combining Cognitive Modeling and EEG to Predict User Behavior in a Search Task
  45. The challenge of complexity for cognitive systems
  46. general intelligence, dynamic decision making, and implicit learning
  47. Optimization as an Analysis Tool for Human Complex Problem Solving
  48. Planning and problem-solving training for patients with schizophrenia: a randomized controlled trial
  49. The Plan-a-Day Approach to Measuring Planning Ability in Patients with Schizophrenia
  50. Reliability and Validity of the Tailorshop Simulation
  51. Denken – Urteilen, Entscheiden, Problemlösen
  52. Negative affective environments improve complex solving performance
  54. You Cannot Have Your Cake and Eat It, too: How Induced Goal Conflicts Affect Complex Problem Solving
  55. Complex problem solving: a case for complex cognition?
  56. Psychische Beschwerden und Störungen von Studierenden
  57. Milieus of Creativity
  58. Risk-Specific Search for Risk-Defusing Operators
  59. What Makes a Problem Complex?
  60. Editorial
  61. Kreativitätstechniken
  62. Editorial
  63. Zur Reaktivität von Kausaldiagramm-Analysen beim komplexen Problemlösen
  64. Editorial
  65. The role of emotions in complex problem-solving
  66. Information und Kommunikation 2005: Ein Lagebericht und einige Zukunftsperspektiven
  67. Entwicklung und Implementierung eines kombinierten Beratungs- und Auswahlverfahrens für die wichtigsten Studiengänge an der Universität Heidelberg
  68. Problemlösefähigkeit als fächerübergreifende Kompetenz
  69. Dynamisches Problemlösen: Entwicklung und Evaluation eines neuen Messverfahrens zum Steuern komplexer Systeme
  70. Ansätze zur Operationalisierung und deren Erprobung im Feldtest zu PISA 2000
  71. Complex Problem Solving and Intelligence: Empirical Relation and Causal Direction
  72. Positive Effekte sozialen Faulenzens beim Lösen komplexer Probleme
  73. Psychologische Erkenntnisse zum Umgang mit komplexen Problemstellungen und zu Bedingungen kreativer Problemlösungen
  74. Dynamic systems as tools for analysing human judgement
  75. Trierer Inventar für Medikamentenabhängige (TIM)
  76. Psychologie der Kreativität
  77. Personen- und Aufgabenmerkmale beim komplexen Problemlösen
  78. Discussion about different approaches to complex problems solving research
  79. Komplexes Problemlösen - Ein Blick zurück und ein Blick nach vorne
  80. What are advantages and disadvantages of computer-based testing and training?
  81. Negative Correlations between Control Performance and Verbalizable Knowledge: Indicators for Implicit Learning in Process Control Tasks?
  82. Finite-state automata: Dynamic task environments in problem-solving research
  83. Chapter 14 Microworlds Based on Linear Equation Systems: A New Approach to Complex Problem Solving and Experimental Results
  84. Wissen über dynamische Systeme: Erwerb, Repräsentation und Anwendung
  85. Wissenserwerb Über Dynamische Systeme: Befunde Konnektionistischer Modellierung
  86. computerbased assessment of complex problem solving
  87. Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Psychologie: Zum Stand der Beziehung
  88. Komplexes Problemlösen
  89. On the Psychology of Creativity
  90. Introduction: The Spatiality of Creativity