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  1. Revealing the reporting disparity: VigiBase highlights underreporting of clozapine in other Western European countries compared to the UK
  2. Clozapine-associated pericarditis and pancreatitis in children and adolescents: A systematic literature review and pharmacovigilance study using the VigiBase database
  3. An expert review of clozapine in Latin American countries: Use, monitoring, and pharmacovigilance
  4. Will ChatGPT3 Substitute for us as Clozapine Experts?
  5. Guía internacional Para una dosificación más Segura de la clozapina en adultos mediante el uso de 6 titulaciones personalizadas de dosis basados en la etnicidad, la Proteína C Reactiva y los niveles de clozapina
  6. Psychiatric Patients’ Perceived Health Control and Reactance: Implications for Medication Adherence
  7. Exploring low clozapine C/D ratios, inverted clozapine-norclozapine ratios and undetectable concentrations as measures of non-adherence in clozapine patients
  8. Adverse drug reactions and their fatal outcomes in clozapine patients in VigiBase: Comparing the top four reporting countries (US, UK, Canada and Australia)
  9. Escaping the Long Shadow Cast by Agranulocytosis
  10. Respiratory aspiration during treatment with clozapine and other antipsychotics: a literature search and a pharmacovigilance study in VigiBase
  12. Clozapine-induced myocarditis in children and adolescents: a pharmacovigilance study using VigiBase and a systematic literature review
  13. Clozapine-associated myocarditis in the World Health Organization's pharmacovigilance database: Focus on reports from various countries
  14. Clozapine-induced myocarditis in Russia: Animal studies but no clinical studies
  15. Respiratory aspiration during treatment with benzodiazepines, antiepileptic and antidepressant drugs in the pharmacovigilance database from VigiBase
  16. Psychometric Properties of the WHO-5 Well-Being Index among Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study in Three Countries
  17. Clozapine and the risk of haematological malignancies
  18. An international guideline with six personalised titration schedules for preventing myocarditis and pneumonia associated with clozapine
  19. Evaluating the Effect of a Telepsychiatry Educational Program on the Awareness, Knowledge, Attitude, and Skills of Telepsychiatry Among Spanish Psychiatrists during COVID-19 Pandemic
  20. An international clozapine titration guideline to increase its safety and move forward on the route started by German-speaking psychiatrists in the 1960s
  21. The duty to care and nurses' well-being during a pandemic
  22. Association between myocarditis and antipsychotics other than clozapine: a systematic literature review and a pharmacovigilance study using VigiBase
  23. Promoting safer clozapine dosing in the Americas
  24. An International Adult Guideline for Making Clozapine Titration Safer by Using Six Ancestry-Based Personalized Dosing Titrations, CRP, and Clozapine Levels
  25. The Mediating Role of Resilience in the Relationship between Perceived Stress and Mental Health
  26. Miocarditis inducida por la clozapina: estudios animales pero no clínicos
  27. Clozapine-associated myocarditis in the World Health Organization’s pharmacovigilance database: Focus on reports from various countries
  28. Clinimetric Criteria for Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
  29. Exploring patterns in psychiatric outpatients’ preferences for involvement in decision-making: a latent class analysis approach
  30. Effect of necessity‐concern framework and polypharmacy on treatment adherence in psychiatric patients. Comparing an Argentinian with a Spanish sample
  31. An update on the complex relationship between clozapine and pneumonia
  32. Effects of a peer co-facilitated educational programme for parents of children with ADHD: a feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol
  33. Self-Report for Measuring and Predicting Medication Adherence: Experts’ Experience in Predicting Adherence in Stable Psychiatric Outpatients and in Pharmacokinetics
  34. Patient-reported well-being: psychometric properties of the world health organization well-being index in specialised community mental health settings
  35. Assessment of shared decision-making in community mental health care: Validation of the CollaboRATE
  36. Psychometric properties of the Five‐item World Health Organization Well‐being Index used in mental health services: Protocol for a systematic review
  37. The association of clozapine and haematological malignancies needs to be replicated by other studies and more importantly by analyses of subsamples from VigiBase
  38. A Rational Use of Clozapine Based on Adverse Drug Reactions, Pharmacokinetics, and Clinical Pharmacopsychology
  39. Pneumonia may be more frequent and have more fatal outcomes with clozapine than with other second-generation antipsychotics
  40. The necessity‐concern framework in the assessment of treatment adherence of psychiatric patients and the role of polypharmacy in a Spanish sample
  41. Data From the World Health Organization’s Pharmacovigilance Database Supports the Prominent Role of Pneumonia in Mortality Associated With Clozapine Adverse Drug Reactions
  42. Development and validation of the Patient’s Health Belief Questionnaire on Psychiatric Treatment
  43. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention to improve medication adherence in people with depressive disorders - MAPDep: a study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
  44. Ethnopsychopharmacology study of patients' beliefs regarding concerns about and necessity of taking psychiatric medications
  45. A Clinimetric Approach for Improving the Measurement of Pharmacophobia with Replication in Two Other Samples
  46. Meet Our Editorial Board Member
  47. Predictive validity of the Sidorkiewicz instrument in Spanish: Assessing individual drug adherence in psychiatric patients
  48. Skepticism and pharmacophobia toward medication may negatively impact adherence to psychiatric medications: a comparison among outpatient samples recruited in Spain, Argentina, and Venezuela
  49. The Art of Pharmacotherapy
  50. Factors influencing adherence to psychopharmacological medications in psychiatric patients: a structural equation modeling approach
  51. Reviving Research on Medication Attitudes for Improving Pharmacotherapy: Focusing on Adherence
  52. Are Acceptance and Skepticism Determinant Factors for Adherence to Drug Treatment in Psychiatric Patients?
  53. Validity of the Control Preferences Scale in patients with emotional disorders
  54. Perceived Health Control
  55. Treatment-related decisional conflict in patients with depressive and anxious disorders
  56. The effect of a brief educational programme added to mental health treatment to improve patient activation: A randomized controlled trial in community mental health centres
  57. Preferencias por las decisiones compartidas en pacientes con depresión
  58. Métodos de valoración de la adherencia al tratamiento psiquiátrico en la práctica clínica
  59. Explaining pharmacophobia and pharmacophilia in psychiatric patients: relationship with treatment adherence
  60. Psychometric properties of the eight-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) in a psychiatric outpatient setting
  61. What Do Psychiatric Patients Believe Regarding Where Control Over Their Illness Lies?
  62. The relationship of psychological reactance, health locus of control and sense of self-efficacy with adherence to treatment in psychiatric outpatients with depression
  63. To what extent is treatment adherence of psychiatric patients influenced by their participation in shared decision making?
  64. Psychological reactance in psychiatric patients: Examining the dimensionality and correlates of the Hong Psychological Reactance Scale in a large clinical sample
  65. Psychiatric patients’ preferences and experiences in clinical decision-making: Examining concordance and correlates of patients’ preferences
  66. Validation of the Spanish version of the 9-item Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire
  67. Preferences for participation in shared decision making of psychiatric outpatients with affective disorders
  68. To what extent psychiatric patients feel involved in decision making about their mental health care? Relationships with socio-demographic, clinical, and psychological variables
  69. Risk factors for non-adherence to antidepressant treatment in patients with mood disorders
  70. Shared decision making in psychiatric practice and the primary care setting is unique, as measured using a 9-item Shared Decision Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9)
  71. Sociodemographic and clinical predictors of compliance with antidepressants for depressive disorders: systematic review of observational studies
  72. Psychiatric outpatients' self-reported adherence versus psychiatrists' impressions on adherence in affective disorders
  73. Estrategias de manejo de los antidepresivos desde la perspectiva de los pacientes: luchando interna y externamente
  74. Attitudes toward concordance in psychiatry: a comparative, cross-sectional study of psychiatric patients and mental health professionals
  75. Psychiatric patients’ attitudes towards concordance and shared decision making
  76. Mental health professionals' attitudes to partnership in medicine taking: a validation study of the Leeds Attitude to Concordance Scale II
  77. ¿Están relacionadas la obesidad y otras comorbilidades físicas con la enfermedad mental?
  78. Editorial [Hot Topic: Compliance, Adherence and Concordance in Medicine Taking of Psychiatric Patients (Guest Editor: Carlos De las Cuevas)]
  79. Towards a Clarification of Terminology in Medicine Taking Behavior: Compliance, Adherence and Concordance are Related Although Different Terms with Different Uses
  80. Adaptation and validation study of the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire in psychiatric outpatients in a community mental health setting
  81. Antidepressant Use in Early Pregnancy
  82. Lithium Use During Early, Late Pregnancy, and Breastfeeding
  83. Psychomotor performance and fitness to drive: The influence of psychiatric disease and its pharmacological treatment
  84. Versión española consensuada de la Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS)
  85. Fitness to Drive of Psychiatric Patients
  86. Attitudes toward psychiatric drug treatment: the experience of being treated
  87. Duloxetine-Induced Excessive Disturbing and Disabling Yawning
  88. Are psychotropics drugs used in pregnancy?
  89. Randomized Clinical Trial of Telepsychiatry through Videoconference versus Face-to-Face Conventional Psychiatric Treatment
  90. Safety of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Pregnancy
  91. Polypsychopharmacy
  92. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnant women and neonatal withdrawal syndrome: a database analysis
  93. Telepsychiatry: Psychiatric consultation through videoconference patients' perception and satisfaction
  94. Telepsychiatry: Psychiatric consultation through videoconference clinical results
  95. Polypharmacy in psychiatric practice in the Canary Islands
  96. Do therapeutic indications of antidepressants change from one year to another?
  97. Telepsychiatry in the Canary Islands: user acceptance and satisfaction
  98. Telepsiquiatría: utopía o realidad asistencial
  99. Benzodiazepines: more "behavioural" addiction than dependence
  100. Burnout en los profesionales de la atención a las drogodependencias
  101. Telepsiquiatría: utopía o realidad asistencial
  102. Variations in antidepressant prescribing practice: clinical need or market influences?
  103. The Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) as screening test for benzodiazepine dependence: SDS validation study
  104. Benzodiazepine prescription is different in the public and private sectors
  105. Prescribed daily doses and ‘risk factors’ associated with the use of benzodiazepines in primary care
  106. Benzodiazepine audit in primary care