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  1. Indicators of plum maturity: When do plums become tasty?
  2. Phytochemicals in fruits of two Prunus domestica L. plum cultivars during ripening
  3. Low leaf to fruit ratio delays fruit maturity of ‘Lapins’ sweet cherry on Gisela 5
  4. Sweet Cherry Pomological and Biochemical Characteristics Influenced by Rootstock
  5. Anthocyanins and fruit colour in plums (Prunus domestica L.) during ripening
  6. Quality changes during ripening of plums (Prunus domestica L.)
  7. Sugars, organic acids, phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.)
  8. Seasonal variations of selected flavonoids, phenolic acids and quinones in annual shoots of common walnut (Juglans regia L.)
  9. Physicochemical changes of sweet cherry fruits related to application of gibberellic acid