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  1. Pre- and post-review of a standardized ultrasound-guided central venous catheterization curriculum evaluating procedural skills acquisition and clinician confidence
  2. Systematic approach to central vein assessment with ultrasound
  3. A simple tool to assist clinicians to ensure appropriateness of vessel and catheter size.
  4. Flushing technique fo repositioning central venous catheters
  5. Letter to Editor.
  6. 13 year review of a non-physician-led central catheter insertion service in Australia.
  7. Review 50 CVC and PICC insertion videos posted on YouTube
  8. To evaluate evidence underpinning infections control strategies during CVC insertion
  9. A review of 3 nurse-led CVC insertion services based in intensive care units in Australia
  10. The aim of this paper was to review published manuscripts on the use of midline catheters
  11. The aim of this paper is to discuss the process of establishing a nurse-led CVC insertion service .
  12. To review CVC insertion for policy, practice and research in an advanced practice nursing role.