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  1. Vicarious racism, ethnic/racial identity, and sleep among Asian Americans.
  2. Applying stress and coping models to ethnic/racial identity, discrimination, and adjustment among diverse adolescents.
  3. Multilevel IRT analysis of the Everyday Discrimination Scale and the Racial/Ethnic Discrimination Index.
  4. Rendered invisible: Are Asian Americans a model or a marginalized minority?
  5. Racial discrimination and telomere shortening among African Americans: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study.
  6. The Diversity Paradox: Opportunities and Challenges of “Contact in Context” Across Development
  7. Ethnic/Racial Identity—A Double-Edged Sword? Associations With Discrimination and Psychological Outcomes
  8. To be or not to be: How ethnic/racial stereotypes influence ethnic/racial disidentification and psychological mood.
  9. “They were just making jokes”: Ethnic/racial teasing and discrimination among adolescents.
  10. Intragroup Contact and Anxiety Among Ethnic Minority Adolescents: Considering Ethnic Identity and School Diversity Transitions
  11. The Effects of Ethnic/Racial Discrimination and Sleep Quality on Depressive Symptoms and Self-Esteem Trajectories Among Diverse Adolescents
  12. Ethnic and Racial Identity During Adolescence and Into Young Adulthood: An Integrated Conceptualization
  13. Ethnic and Racial Identity in Adolescence: Implications for Psychosocial, Academic, and Health Outcomes
  14. Methodological Issues in Ethnic and Racial Identity Research With Ethnic Minority Populations: Theoretical Precision, Measurement Issues, and Research Designs
  15. The Application of Experience Sampling Approaches to the Study of Ethnic Identity: New Developmental Insights and Directions
  16. Ethnic Identity in Everyday Life: The Influence of Identity Development Status
  17. Daily Intragroup Contact in Diverse Settings: Implications for Asian Adolescents' Ethnic Identity
  18. The physical and mental health effects of age of immigration, age, and perceived difference in social status among first generation Asian Americans.
  19. Everyday Experiences of Ethnic and Racial Identity among Adolescents and Young Adults
  20. Racial discrimination and racial socialization as predictors of African American adolescents' racial identity development using latent transition analysis.
  21. Racial and Ethnic Discrimination
  22. Interracial and Intraracial Contact, School-Level Diversity, and Change in Racial Identity Status Among African American Adolescents
  23. A Longitudinal Examination of Racial Identity and Racial Discrimination Among African American Adolescents
  24. Simultaneously salient Chinese and American identities: An experience sampling study of self-complexity, context, and positive mood among Chinese young adults.
  25. Multiple Social Identities and Adjustment in Young Adults From Ethnically Diverse Backgrounds
  26. School and Neighborhood Contexts, Perceptions of Racial Discrimination, and Psychological Well-being Among African American Adolescents
  27. Multiple social identities and reactivity to daily stress among ethnically diverse young adults
  28. Racial discrimination and psychological distress: The impact of ethnic identity and age among immigrant and United States-born Asian adults.
  29. Using outgroup comfort to predict Black students' college experiences.
  30. The association between self-reported racial discrimination and 12-month DSM-IV mental disorders among Asian Americans nationwide
  31. African American Racial Identity Across the Lifespan: Identity Status, Identity Content, and Depressive Symptoms
  32. Ethnic Identity and the Daily Psychological Well-Being of Adolescents From Mexican and Chinese Backgrounds
  33. A Daily Diary Study of Mental Health and Community Involvement Outcomes for Three Chinese American Social Identities.
  34. Daily Variation in Ethnic Identity, Ethnic Behaviors, and Psychological Well-Being among American Adolescents of Chinese Descent
  35. The Impact of Family Obligation on the Daily Activities and Psychological Well-Being of Chinese American Adolescents