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  1. SPIN’s flagship project is the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (ERNiE)
  2. Bo Almqvist (1931–2013)
  3. National Folklore, National Drama and The Creation of Visual National Identity: The Case of Jón Árnason, Sigurður Guðmundsson and Indriði Einarsson in Iceland
  4. Daisies Rise to Become Oaks. The Politics of Early Folktale Collection in Northern Europe
  5. Sagnagrunnur: A New Database of Icelandic Folk Legends in Print
  6. Legends and Landscape in the Nordic Countries
  7. Narratives, Space and Drama: Essential Spatial Aspects Involved in the Performance and Reception of Oral Narrative
  8. Jón Hnefill Aðalsteinsson, A Piece of Horse Liver: Myth, Ritual and Folklore in Old Icelandic Sources. Trans. Terry Gunnell and Joan Turville-Petre. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, 1998. Paper. Pp. 188; tables.
  9. Islanders and Water-Dwellers
  10. The Complete Sagas Of Icelanders including 49 Tales. Edited by Viðar Hreinsson, assisted by Robert Cook, Terry Gunnell, Keneva Kunz, and Bernard Scudder, with thirty translators. Vol. I, pp. lv+402; Vol. II, pp. 466; Vol. III, pp. 472; Vol. IV, pp. 472...
  11. The Complete Sagas Of Icelanders including 49 Tales. Edited by Viðar Hreinsson, assisted by Robert Cook, Terry Gunnell, Keneva Kunz, and Bernard Scudder, with thirty translators. Vol. I, pp. lv+402; Vol. II, pp. 466; Vol. III, pp. 472; Vol. IV, pp. 472...
  12. The Origins of Drama in Scandinavia.Terry Gunnell
  13. Eddic Poetry