All Stories

  1. Swarm Investigation of Ultra-Low-Frequency (ULF) Pulsation and Plasma Irregularity Signatures Potentially Associated with Geophysical Activity
  2. Thermal Anomalies Observed during the Crete Earthquake on 27 September 2021
  3. The Impact of COVID-19 on Weak-Form Efficiency in Cryptocurrency and Forex Markets
  4. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Systems Obeying the Dynamics of On–Off Intermittency and Presenting Bimodal Amplitude Distributions
  5. Investigation of Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-Derived Geomagnetic Activity Indices Using Information Theory
  6. Possible Pre-Seismic Indications Prior to Strong Earthquakes That Occurred in Southeastern Mediterranean as Observed Simultaneously by Three VLF/LF Stations Installed in Athens (Greece)
  7. Preseismic Perturbations and their Inhomogeneity as Computed from Ground- and Space-Based Investigation during the 2016 Fukushima Earthquake
  8. Investigating Dynamical Complexity and Fractal Characteristics of Bitcoin/US Dollar and Euro/US Dollar Exchange Rates around the COVID-19 Outbreak
  9. A New Symbolic Time Series Analysis Method Based on Time-to-Space Mapping, through a Symmetric Magnetic Field, Quantized by Prime Numbers
  10. Critical Dynamics in Stratospheric Potential Energy Variations Prior to Significant (M > 6.7) Earthquakes
  11. An Amateur-Radio-Based Open-Source (HW/SW) VLF/LF Receiver for Lower Ionosphere Monitoring, Examples of Identified Perturbations
  12. Post-spontaneous-symmetry-breaking power-laws after a very strong earthquake: Indication for the preparation of a new strong earthquake or not?
  13. Seismogenic Anomalies in Atmospheric Gravity Waves as Observed from SABER/TIMED Satellite during Large Earthquakes
  14. Application of the method of parallel trajectories on modeling the dynamics of COVID-19 third wave
  15. Unusual Surface Latent Heat Flux Variations and Their Critical Dynamics Revealed before Strong Earthquakes
  16. A Real-Time Snore Detector Using Neural Networks and Selected Sound Features
  17. Criticality in a hybrid spin model with Fermi–Dirac statistics
  18. Engendering self-similarity in Boson field by a natural feedback process
  19. Pre-Seismic Irregularities during the 2020 Samos (Greece) Earthquake (M = 6.9) as Investigated from Multi-Parameter Approach by Ground and Space-Based Techniques
  20. PSG-Audio, a scored polysomnography dataset with simultaneous audio recordings for sleep apnea studies
  21. Tachyons and Solitons in Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in the Frame of Field Theory
  22. Detecting Apnea/Hypopnea Events Time Location from Sound Recordings for Patients with Severe or Moderate Sleep Apnea Syndrome
  23. An Exploratory Study of Geospace Perturbations Using Financial Analysis Tools in the Context of Complex Systems
  24. Statistical and Criticality Analysis of the Lower Ionosphere Prior to the 30 October 2020 Samos (Greece) Earthquake (M6.9), Based on VLF Electromagnetic Propagation Data as Recorded by a New VLF/LF Receiver Installed in Athens (Greece)
  25. Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the phase space
  26. Study of Static and Dynamic Properties of Sand under Low Stress Compression
  27. Criticality in epidemic spread: An application in the case of COVID19 infected population
  28. TreeVibes: Modern Tools for Global Monitoring of Trees for Borers
  29. Diffraction-like stratified magnetic field in a device of circular rings
  30. Evidence of critical dynamics in various electromagnetic precursors
  31. Criticality Hidden in Acoustic Emissions and in Changing Electrical Resistance during Fracture of Rocks and Cement-Based Materials
  32. TreeVibes: Modern tools for Global Monitoring of Trees Against Borers
  33. Effect of Soil Loading and Unloading on Its Acoustic Behavior
  34. A Universal Physics-Based Model Describing COVID-19 Dynamics in Europe
  35. AI-Inspired Non-Terrestrial Networks for IIoT: Review on Enabling Technologies and Applications
  36. Natural Time Analysis of Global Navigation Satellite System Surface Deformation: The Case of the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes
  37. Wavelet-based detection of scaling behavior in noisy experimental data
  38. Modelling acoustic and electric signals emitted during structural tests in terms of log‐periodic power‐law models
  39. Acoustic Sensor Data Flow for Cultural Heritage Monitoring and Safeguarding
  40. In-Vivo Vibroacoustic Surveillance of Trees in the Context of the IoT
  41. On Possible Electromagnetic Precursors to a Significant Earthquake (Mw = 6.3) Occurred in Lesvos (Greece) on 12 June 2017
  42. Smart Grid
  43. Signatures of the symmetry breaking phenomenon in pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions
  44. Temporal organization of magnetospheric fluctuations unveiled by recurrence patterns in the Dst index
  45. Observation of Intermittency-Induced Critical Dynamics in Geomagnetic Field Time Series Prior to the Intense Magnetic Storms of March, June, and December 2015
  46. A Two-Level Sound Classification Platform for Environmental Monitoring
  47. Natural time analysis on the ultra-low frequency magnetic field variations prior to the 2016 Kumamoto (Japan) earthquakes
  48. Criticality Analysis of the Lower Ionosphere Perturbations Prior to the 2016 Kumamoto (Japan) Earthquakes as Based on VLF Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Data Observed at Multiple Stations
  49. Experimental study of the dynamic evolution of cumulative energy release during LiF fracture under uniaxial compression
  50. Intermittency-induced criticality in the lower ionosphere prior to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes as embedded in the VLF propagation data observed at multiple stations
  51. Critical features revealed in acoustic and electromagnetic emissions during fracture experiments on LiF
  52. A wearable magnetic sensing device for identifying the presence of static magnetic fields
  53. Intermittency-induced criticality in a resistor-inductor-diode circuit
  54. Electromagnetic Precursors to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes
  55. Fractal analysis of the ground-recorded ULF magnetic fields prior to the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake (M W = 9): discriminating possible earthquake precursors from space-sourced disturbances
  56. Recent seismic activity at Cephalonia (Greece): a study through candidate electromagnetic precursors in terms of non-linear dynamics
  57. Criticality features in ultra-low frequency magnetic fields prior to the 2013 M6.3 Kobe earthquake
  58. Investigating Dynamical Complexity of Geomagnetic Jerks Using Various Entropy Measures
  59. Intermittent criticality revealed in ULF magnetic fields prior to the 11 March 2011 Tohoku earthquake (
  60. Multi-spectral detection of statistically significant components in pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions related with Athens 1999, M=5.9 earthquake
  61. Computational Analysis of a Thermoelectric Generator for Waste-Heat Harvesting in Wearable Systems
  62. 5th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST2015)
  63. Sound-maps of environmentally sensitive areas constructed from Wireless Acoustic Sensors Network data
  64. Physiological parameters monitoring of fire-fighters by means of a wearable wireless sensor system
  65. Performance Evaluation of Welded Knitted E-Fabrics for Electrical Resistance Heating
  66. Communication protocols for vital signs sensors used for the monitoring of athletes
  67. On the Precursory Abnormal Animal Behavior and Electromagnetic Effects for the Kobe Earthquake (M~6) on April 12, 2013
  68. Recent seismic activity at Cephalonia island (Greece): a study through candidate electromagnetic precursors in terms of nonlinear dynamics
  69. Budget Analysis for Water Reservoirs Using an Autonomous Sensor-Equipped Mini Boat
  70. Design Considerations for an Environmental Monitoring Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network
  71. Smart Grid
  72. Characterization of Thermochromic Fibers’ Response to Temperature Change
  73. High-Level Sound Classification in the ESOUNDMAPS Project
  74. A Smart Sensor Platform for Greenhouse Applications
  75. Intrinsic vs. spurious long-range memory in high-frequency records of environmental radioactivity
  76. Tricritical crossover in earthquake preparation by analyzing preseismic electromagnetic emissions
  77. Recent Field Observations Indicating an Earth System in Critical Condition Before the Occurrence of a Significant Earthquake
  78. On the effect of compression on the complexity characteristics of wireless acoustic sensor network signals
  79. Wireless sensor network-based communication for cooperative simultaneous localization and mapping
  80. An Integrated Study of ULF Magnetic Field Variations in Association with the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, on the Basis of Statistical and Critical Analyses
  81. Criticality features in ULF magnetic fields prior to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
  82. Temporal correlation patterns in pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions reveal distinct complexity profiles prior to major earthquakes
  83. A Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network for environmental monitoring based on flexible hardware nodes
  84. Glass Covered Magnetic Micro-Wires Operating in the Domain Wall Nucleation and Propagation Sensing Mode for Stress Detection in FRP Composite Structures
  85. A Real-Time Remote Monitoring of Water Quality by Means of a Wireless Sensor Network
  86. A socially-intelligent multi-robot service team for in-home monitoring
  87. Signatures of the self-affinity of fracture and faulting in pre-seismic electromagnetic emissions
  88. A Wireless Network of Acoustic Sensors for Environmental Monitoring
  89. Wireless Sensor Network-Based Water Quality Monitoring System
  90. Analyzing the Water Budgets of Reservoirs by Using Autonomous Mini Boats
  91. Performance Evaluation of a Communication Protocol for Vital Signs Sensors Used for the Monitoring of Athletes
  92. ANN-Based Estimation of Groundwater Quality Using a Wireless Water Quality Network
  93. ANN-Based Control of a Multiboat Group for the Deployment of an Underwater Sensor Network
  94. Implementing a Trust and Reputation Model for Robotic Sensor Networks
  95. Statistical Mechanics and Information-Theoretic Perspectives on Complexity in the Earth System
  96. Current challenges for pre-earthquake electromagnetic emissions: shedding light from micro-scale plastic flow, granular packings, phase transitions and self-affinity notion of fracture process
  97. Navigation System of an Unmanned Boat for Autonomous Analyses of Water Quality
  98. On the puzzling feature of the silence of precursory electromagnetic emissions
  99. Dynamical analogy between economical crisis and earthquake dynamics within the nonextensive statistical mechanics framework
  100. Natural time analysis of critical phenomena: The case of pre-fracture electromagnetic emissions
  101. Assessment of military intercom headsets for maximum voice reproduction level in high noise conditions
  102. The ALICE Collaboration
  103. shortened error correcting codes efficiency
  104. Dynamical analogy between epileptic seizures and seismogenic electromagnetic emissions by means of nonextensive statistical mechanics
  105. The Earth as a living planet: human-type diseases in the earthquake preparation process
  106. The role of propagating stress waves on a geophysical scale: Evidence in terms of nonextensivity
  107. Sudden drop of fractal dimension of electromagnetic emissions recorded prior to significant earthquake
  108. Relation between seismicity and pre-earthquake electromagnetic emissions in terms of energy, information and entropy content
  109. Linking electromagnetic precursors with earthquake dynamics: An approach based on nonextensive fragment and self-affine asperity models
  110. Environmental monitoring of radon in soil during a very seismically active period occurred in South West Greece
  111. Analysis of electromagnetic pre-seismic emissions using Fisher information and Tsallis entropy
  112. A multidisciplinary analysis for traces of the last state of earthquake generation in preseismic electromagnetic emissions
  113. Sonic perceptual crossings
  114. Development of Automatically Updated Soundmaps for the Preservation of Natural Environment
  115. On the use of time-frequency distributions for the power quality problem of harmonics
  116. Building a low-cost network for power-quality monitoring with open-source-hardware nodes
  117. The ALICE Collaboration
  118. The ALICE Collaboration
  119. Natural soundscapes and identification of environmental sounds: A pattern recognition approach
  120. Steady-State and Transient Evaluation of FPAA Implemented Analog Filters Using a MLS System Analyzer
  121. Real time evaluation of soft microphones on a local active noise control system
  122. Performance evaluation method for high noise environment intercom headsets
  123. Phase spectral processing for improved time‐domain soft microphone based noise estimation
  124. Phase Spectral Processing for improved Time-Domain Soft Microphone based Noise Estimation
  125. An accurate calculation of Miller effect on the frequency response and on the input and output impedances of feedback amplifiers
  126. The Feedback Decomposition Theorem: The evolution of Miller's Theorem
  127. An alternative two-port feedback analysis approach
  128. Generalized two-port performance evaluation