All Stories

  1. ‘A world of competing sorrows’: A mixed methods analysis of media reports of children with cancer abandoning conventional treatment
  2. Unmet Survivorship Care Needs of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors
  3. Improving health research among Indigenous Peoples in Canada
  4. Traditional and Complementary Medicine in Pediatric Oncology and Low-Middle Income Countries: Recommendations from the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP), T&CM Collaborative
  5. A systematic review of integrative clinical trials for supportive care in pediatric oncology: a report from the International Society of Pediatric Oncology, T&CM collaborative
  6. Exercise interventions for patients with pediatric cancer during inpatient acute care: A systematic review of literature
  7. Traditional and complementary medicine used with curative intent in childhood cancer: A systematic review
  8. Evaluation of a joint adult and pediatric clinic for cancer survivorship care
  9. Global Use of Traditional and Complementary Medicine in Childhood Cancer: A Systematic Review
  10. Long-Term Social Outcomes of Hyperfractionated Radiation on Childhood ALL Survivors
  11. Smoking, Binge Drinking, and Drug Use Among Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Meta-Analysis
  12. Inferior survival among Aboriginal children with cancer in Ontario
  13. Outcome of children treated for relapsed acute myeloid leukemia in Central America
  14. Case 1: A boy with asthma and leg pain
  15. Outcome of children treated for relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Central America
  16. Prevalance and Associations of Food Insecurity in Children with Diabetes Mellitus
  17. The use of ultrasound in endemic Burkitt lymphoma in Cameroon