All Stories

  1. Robust Flight Control Tuning for Highly Agile Missiles
  2. Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Flight Control Design for Guided Projectiles
  3. Design of an H∞ Gain-Scheduled Guidance Scheme for a Guided Projectile
  4. Design of an H∞ Gain-Scheduled Guidance Scheme for a Guided Projectile
  5. Gain-Scheduled Autopilot Design and Validation for an Experimental Guided Projectile Prototype
  6. A Systematic LPV/LFR Modelling Approach Optimized for Linearised Gain Scheduling Control Synthesis
  7. Pitch Axis Control for a Guided Projectile in a Wind Tunnel Hardware-in-the-Loop Setup
  8. Pitch Axis Control for a Guided Projectile in a Wind Tunnel-based Hardware-In-the-Loop Setup
  9. Pitch/Yaw Channels Control Design for a 155mm Projectile with Rotating Canards, using a H∞ Loop-Shaping Design Procedure