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  1. PREVIEW study—influence of a behavior modification intervention (PREMIT) in over 2300 people with pre-diabetes: intention, self-efficacy and outcome expectancies during the early phase of a lifestyle intervention
  2. Higher vegetable protein consumption, assessed by an isoenergetic macronutrient exchange model, is associated with a lower presence of overweight and obesity in the web-based Food4me European study
  3. Influencia multisensorial sobre la conducta alimentaria: ingesta hedónica
  4. Research into food portion size: methodological aspects and applications
  5. Cause-effect relationships in nutritional intervention studies for health claims substantiation: guidance for trial design
  6. Personalized weight loss strategies—the role of macronutrient distribution
  7. A decline in inflammation is associated with less depressive symptoms after a dietary intervention in metabolic syndrome patients: a longitudinal study
  8. A regular curd consumption improves gastrointestinal status assessed by a randomized controlled nutritional intervention
  9. A regular lycopene enriched tomato sauce consumption influences antioxidant status of healthy young-subjects: A crossover study
  10. Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics of Caloric Restriction
  11. Chronologically scheduled snacking with high-protein products within the habitual diet in type-2 diabetes patients leads to a fat mass loss: a longitudinal study
  12. Anemia ferropénica: estrategias dietéticas para su prevención
  13. An oily fish diet increases insulin sensitivity compared to a red meat diet in young iron-deficient women
  14. Iron absorption from meat pate fortified with ferric pyrophosphate in iron-deficient women
  15. Sodium-bicarbonated mineral water decreases aldosterone levels without affecting urinary excretion of bone minerals
  16. Hepcidin, transferrin (exon 7), and hemochromatosis genotyping suggests that haplotype block analysis is the best strategy for predicting iron deficiency phenotype in women
  17. The G277S transferrin mutation does not affect iron absorption in iron deficient women