All Stories

  1. Strategic, episodic and truncated orientations to planning in post-redundancy career transitions
  2. Old norms in the new normal: Exploring and resisting the rise of the ideal pandemic worker
  3. Regulation, migration and the implications for industrial relations
  4. The worker branch in Yorkshire as a way of organising Polish migrants: exploring the process of carving out diasporic spaces within the trade union structure
  5. Older Workers and Occupational Identity in the Telecommunications Industry: Navigating Employment Transitions through the Life Course
  6. HRM and performance: the vulnerability of soft HRM practices during recession and retrenchment
  7. Gender, availability and dual emancipation in the Swedish ICT sector
  8. The occupational identity of telecommunications engineers and the importance of technology
  9. The colonisation of employment regulation and industrial relations? Dynamics and developments over five decades of change
  10. Organizations and community groups that provide support for new migrants
  11. The Ethical Agendas of Employment Agencies Towards Migrant Workers in the UK: Deciphering the Codes
  12. Ethnicity, Equality and Voice: The Ethics and Politics of Representation and Participation in Relation to Equality and Ethnicity
  13. Contingent work in the UK and Sweden: evidence from the construction industry
  14. Why do contingent workers join a trade union? Evidence from the Irish telecommunications sector
  15. Redundancy as a critical life event: moving on from the Welsh steel industry through career change
  16. Built on Shifting Sands: Changes in Employers' Use of Contingent Labour in the UK Construction Sector
  17. Union Responses to Restructuring and the Growth of Contingent Labour in the Irish Telecommunications Sector
  18. Employers' use of low‐skilled migrant workers
  19. The rhetoric of the `good worker' versus the realities of employers' use and the experiences of migrant workers
  20. Help wanted? Employers' use of temporary agencies in the UK construction industry
  21. Firm foundations? Contingent labour and employers' provision of training in the UK construction sector
  22. From Networks to Hierarchies: The Construction of a Subcontracting Regime in the Irish Telecommunications Industry
  23. Getting the mix right? The use of labour contract alternatives in UK construction
  24. Work–life balance and older workers: employees' perspectives on retirement transitions following redundancy
  25. 'All that is Solid?': Class, Identity and the Maintenance of a Collective Orientation amongst Redundant Steelworkers
  26. The Realities of Regulatory Change: Beyond the Fetish of Deregulation
  27. Cementing skills: training and labour use in UK construction
  28. ‘Unstable boundaries?’ Evaluating the ‘new regulation’ within employment relations
  29. The Migration of Bureaucracy: Contracting and the Regulation of Labour in the Telecommunications Industry
  30. Subcontracting and the Reregulation of the Employment Relationship: A Case Study from the Telecommunications Industry
  31. Subcontracting and the Reregulation of the Employment Relationship: A Case Study from the Telecommunications Industry