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  1. Sleep apnea and posttraumatic stress after traumatic brain injury (TBI): A Veterans Affairs TBI Model Systems study.
  2. Relationship of medical comorbidities to psychological health at 2 and 5 years following traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  3. TBI-CareQOL military health care frustration in caregivers of service members/veterans with traumatic brain injury.
  4. Spirituality and outcomes in caregivers of persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  5. Severity of military traumatic brain injury influences caregiver health-related quality of life.
  6. Assessing vigilance in caregivers after traumatic brain injury: TBI-CareQOL Caregiver Vigilance.
  7. Do emotional distress and functional problems in persons with traumatic brain injury contribute to perceived sleep-related impairment in caregivers?
  8. Sleep impairment is related to health-related quality of life among caregivers of lower-functioning traumatic brain injury survivors.
  9. A prediction model of military combat and training exposures on VA service-connected disability: a CENC study
  10. Prevalence and predictors of tobacco smoking in veterans and service members following traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: a VA TBIMS study
  11. Change in body mass index within the first-year post-injury: a VA Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) model systems study