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  1. Factors That Impact the Long-Term Outcome of Postconcussive Dizziness Among Post-9/11 Veterans
  2. Updating and Refining Prevalence Rates of Traumatic Brain Injury–Related Communication Disorders Among Post-9/11 Veterans: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium Study
  3. Managing Functional Neurological Disorders: Protocol of a Cohort Study on Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures Study
  4. Validity of early-onset dementia diagnoses in VA electronic medical record administrative data
  5. Deployment, suicide, and overdose among comorbidity phenotypes following mild traumatic brain injury: A retrospective cohort study from the Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium
  6. Long-term physical and mental health outcomes associated with traumatic brain injury severity in post-9/11 veterans: A retrospective cohort study
  7. Sensory dysfunction and traumatic brain injury severity among deployed post-9/11 veterans: a chronic effects of neurotrauma consortium study
  8. Change in body mass index within the first-year post-injury: a VA Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) model systems study