All Stories

  1. From the Editor: An Introduction to the JSLHR Supplement on Implementation Science
  2. Disorders of speech, language, and communication
  3. Assessing Pragmatic Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Yale in vivo Pragmatic Protocol
  4. The use of prosody during syntactic processing in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders
  5. Assessing Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  6. Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Fourth Edition
  7. Prosodic Development in Middle Childhood and Adolescence in High-Functioning Autism
  8. Pragmatics abilities in narrative production: a cross-disorder comparison
  9. The interplay of language on executive functions in children with ASD
  10. Primacy Effects
  11. The neural underpinnings of prosody in autism
  12. Bridging the Research Gap: Making HRI Useful to Individuals with Autism
  13. Comparing Spoken Language Treatments for Minimally Verbal Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  14. Acoustic differences in the imitation of prosodic patterns in children with autism spectrum disorders
  15. Acoustic and perceptual measurements of prosody production on the profiling elements of prosodic systems in children by children with autism spectrum disorders
  16. Characterizing and Predicting Outcomes of Communication Delays in Infants and Toddlers: Implications for Clinical Practice
  17. Adaptive Behavior in Toddlers Under Two with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  18. Phonology and vocal behavior in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders
  19. Evidence-Based Treatments in Communication for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  20. The Hypothesis of Apraxia of Speech in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
  21. Out of the mouths of babes: vocal production in infant siblings of children with ASD
  22. Delayed Language Development in Preschool Children
  23. Talk to Me: Issues in Acquiring Spoken Language for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  24. A prospective study of toddlers with ASD: short-term diagnostic and cognitive outcomes
  25. Parents Ask: Am I Risking Autism if I Vaccinate my Children?
  26. The assessment and treatment of prosodic disorders and neurological theories of prosody
  27. Differentiating ASD From DLD in Toddlers
  28. Interventions to Improve Communication in Autism
  29. Production of syllable stress in speakers with autism spectrum disorders
  30. Language outcomes of toddlers with autism spectrum disorders: a two year follow-up
  31. Auditory Processing Disorder
  32. Parental Recognition of Developmental Problems in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  33. Assessing Communication in High Functioning Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
  34. Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
  35. Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
  36. Assessing Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  37. Language and Communication in Autism
  38. Enhancing Early Language in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  39. Perception and Production of Prosody by Speakers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  40. Autism in a 15-Month-Old Child
  41. Development of Preverbal Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  42. Clinical Issues: Asperger Syndrome: The Role of Speech-Language Pathologists in Schools
  43. Promoting social communication in high functioning individuals with autistic spectrum disorders
  44. Psycholinguistic Models of Speech Development and Their Application to Clinical Practice
  46. Developing Preliteracy Skills in Children with Severe Speech and Physical Impairments: Fostering Phonological Awareness
  47. Temperament in Late Talkers
  48. Reading and Metaphonological Outcomes in Late Talkers
  49. Understanding Language Delay
  50. Facilitating transitions in language development for children using AAC
  51. Introduction: special section on language development in children who use AAC
  52. Narrative Development in Late Talkers
  53. Clinical Implications of the Natural History of Slow Expressive Language Development
  54. Response to Children With Slow Expressive Language Development
  55. Questions Concerning Facilitated Communication: Response to Duchan
  56. Grammatical Morpheme Acquisition in 4-Year-Olds With Normal, Impaired, and Late-Developing Language
  57. History of Middle Ear Involvement and Speech/Language Development in Late Talkers
  58. Narrative Skills in 4-Year-Olds With Normal, Impaired, and Late-Developing Language
  59. Phonological Behavior in Toddlers With Slow Expressive Language Development
  60. Communicative initiations in normal and late-talking toddlers
  61. Maternal Linguistic Input to Toddlers With Slow Expressive Language Development
  62. Profiles of toddlers with slow expressive language development
  63. Communication and Socialization Skills at Ages 2 and 3 in “Late-Talking” Young Children
  64. Language Delay and Parental Perceptions
  65. Comprehension strategies
  66. Brief report: Sentence comprehension strategies in children with autism and specific language disorders
  67. Cognitive, behavioral, and adaptive functioning in fragile X and non-fragile X retarded men
  68. Phenomenology and classification of the childhood psychoses
  69. An Evaluation of DSM-III Criteria for Infantile Autism
  70. The use of ?Asperger's syndrome?
  71. Comprehension of Indirect Requests in Adults with Autistic Disorders and Mental Retardation
  72. The emergence of pragmatic comprehension: a study of children's understanding of sentence-structure cues to given/new information
  73. Responses to contingent queries in adults with mental retardation and pervasive developmental disorders
  74. Outcomes of severe disorders of language acquisition
  75. Fragile X Syndrome
  76. Reply to Panagos and Prelock
  77. Stuttering
  78. Autistic behaviors in a boy with noonan syndrome
  79. Associations between Phonology and Syntax in Speech-Delayed Children
  81. Developmental Language Disorders: Lifetime Course and Strategies for Intervention
  82. Communication and its development in autism spectrum disorders