All Stories

  1. Which Planning Tactics Predict Online Course Completion?
  2. Evaluating a Learned Admission-Prediction Model as a Replacement for Standardized Tests in College Admissions
  3. Developing a Prototype to Scale up Digital Support for Online Assessment Design
  4. University assessments and the impact of generative AI tools like ChatGPT
  5. Cross-Institutional Transfer Learning for Educational Models: Implications for Model Performance, Fairness, and Equity
  6. The Role of Gender in Students’ Privacy Concerns about Learning Analytics
  7. Measuring Cultural Dimensions of Learning in Online Courses
  8. Effects of Framing Professional Development as a Career Growth Opportunity on Course Completion
  9. Pathways: Exploring Academic Interests with Historical Course Enrollment Records
  10. Large-Scale Student Data Reveal Sociodemographic Gaps in Procrastination Behavior
  11. Large-scale Analysis of Discussion Networks in College Courses
  12. Third Annual Workshop on A/B Testing and Platform-Enabled Learning Research
  13. A Review of Learning Analytics Dashboard Research in Higher Education: Implications for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  14. Investigating Technostress Among Teachers in Low-Income Indian Schools
  15. Learning Analytics Dashboard Research Has Neglected Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  16. Student Perceptions of Social Support in the Transition to Emergency Remote Instruction
  17. Using Social Norms to Promote Actions Beyond the Course
  18. Applying the Behavior Change Technique Taxonomy from Public Health Interventions to Educational Research
  19. Should College Dropout Prediction Models Include Protected Attributes?
  20. Delivery Ghost: Effects of Language Immersion and Interactivity in a Language Learning Game
  21. Pandemic response policies’ democratizing effects on online learning
  22. Identifying course characteristics associated with sociodemographic variation in enrollments across 159 online courses from 20 institutions
  23. Student Engagement in Mobile Learning via Text Message
  24. Designing Inclusive Learning Environments
  25. Examining Sources of Variation in Student Confusion in College Classes
  26. Welcome to the Course: Early Social Cues Influence Women's Persistence in Computer Science
  27. How Teachers in India Reconfigure their Work Practices around a Teacher-Oriented Technology Intervention
  28. Can a diversity statement increase diversity in MOOCs?
  29. Growth Mindset Predicts Student Achievement and Behavior in Mobile Learning
  30. Psychologically Inclusive Design