All Stories

  1. Unleashing Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Dynamic Exploration of Firm Performance through Knowledge, Social Media, and Customer Relationship Management-Based Capabilities in the Face of Environmental Dynamism
  2. Guest editorial: Happiness management – A holy grail to be discovered by companies in the age of artificial intelligence
  3. Emotional wage, happiness at work and organisational justice as triggers for happiness management
  4. Predictores psicológicos del bienestar subjetivo de los emprendedores mexicanos
  5. Are chefs happiness providers? Exploring the impact of organisational support, intrapreneurship and interactional justice from the perspective of happiness management
  6. How can tourism managers' happiness be generated through personal and innovative tourism services?
  7. Purchase intention of fashion brand retailers: a journey through consumer engagement and happiness
  8. Guest editorial: Exploring happiness in the workplace as an essential theme for developing managers post-pandemic
  9. Are rural accommodation employees able to aspire to transcendent happiness in their work? An exploratory model
  10. The trinomial health, safety and happiness promote rural tourism
  11. Positioning analysis of Spanish politicians through their Twitter posts versus Spanish public opinion
  12. Correction to: An approach for analysing and segmenting messages about the SDGs on Twitter from the perspective of social marketing
  13. An approach for analysing and segmenting messages about the SDGs on Twitter from the perspective of social marketing
  14. Eco-Innovation as a Positive and Happy Industry Externality: Evidence from Mexico
  15. Neuroleadership: a new way for happiness management
  16. How does the work climate influence intrapreneurship Evidence from Mexico
  17. Redes Sociales y Competencias Digitales en la Gestión de Felicidad de Emprendedores Tecnológicos.
  18. The Ethics and Social Mission of Workers and their Relationship to Social Intrapreneurship.
  19. Happy leadership, now more than ever
  20. O estado da arte da ciência da felicidade e o desenvolvimento local
  21. ¿Son felices los emprendedores españoles en el siglo XXI? Un estudio cuantitativo a través de la encuesta del centro de investigaciones sociológicas (CIS)
  23. Mapping intrapreneurship through the dimensions of happiness at work and internal communication
  24. Elements of organizational justice as determinants of job satisfaction and internship rotation in the era of Happiness Management
  25. Knowledge Transfers and Absorptive Capacities as Determinants of Competitive Advantages: The Mexican Case
  27. Evaluation of an Experience of Academic Happiness through Football at University
  28. Efecto de la felicidad personal sobre la felicidad como estudiante de administración
  29. Guest editorial: Happiness management: key factors for sustainability and organizational communication in the age of Industry 4.0
  30. An analysis of the relationship between marital status and happiness in entrepreneurs of the industry 4.0 era, from the perspective of the age variable
  31. Knowledge Complexity and Collective Intelligence Development in Technology Based-Firms
  32. Intrapreneurship model in the software industry
  33. Organic coffee growing as a competitive strategy for Mexico in international trade
  34. The Profile of Potential Youth Volunteers in the Face of Bullying: An Attempt at Segmentation from the Perspective of Willingness to Collaborate as a Volunteer
  35. A Focus on Ethical Value under the Vision of Leadership, Teamwork, Effective Communication and Productivity
  36. Roche Cárcel, Juan Antonio (Ed.) (2020): Las sociedades difusas. La construcción/deconstrucción sociocultural de fronteras y márgenes. Barcelona: Anthropos
  37. Estudio bibliométrico del constructo teórico “víctima”: Acercamiento a partir del conflicto armado en Colombia
  38. China Viewed by the West before COVID-19: Spaniards’ Perceptions and Knowledge of China as a Tourist Destination
  39. Does Entrepreneurship Make You Happier? A Comparative Analysis between Entrepreneurs and Wage Earners
  40. Workplace happiness as a trinomial of organizational climate, academic satisfaction and organizational engagement
  41. Happiness Management: A Culture to Explore From Brand Orientation as a Sign of Responsible and Sustainable Production
  42. Business and Energy Efficiency in the Age of Industry 4.0: The Hulten, Broweus and Van Dijk Sensory Marketing Model Applied to Spanish Textile Stores during the COVID-19 Crisis
  43. State-of-the-Art Analysis of Intrapreneurship: A Review of the Theoretical Construct and Its Bibliometrics
  44. Children, Media and Food. A New Paradigm in Food Advertising, Social Marketing and Happiness Management
  45. Happiness Management and Social Marketing: A wave of sustainability and creativity
  46. Generational Portrait of Spanish Society in the Face of Climate Change. A Question to Consider for the Green Economy under the Well-Being Approach
  47. Certification Happiness Management: an integral instrument for human resources management in post-COVID-19 era
  48. Certification Happiness Management: an integral instrument for human resources management in post-COVID-19 era
  50. Food and Beverage Advertising Aimed at Spanish Children Issued through Mobile Devices: A Study from a Social Marketing and Happiness Management Perspective
  51. Relevance and social responsibility of sustainable university organizations: analysis from the perspective of endogenous capacities
  52. Does Money Makes Entrepreneurs Happy In The Age Of Industries 4.0?
  53. Happiness and Cultural Tourism: The Perspective of Civil Participation
  54. Post acuerdo de paz: Una etapa a legitimar bajo el calediscopio de las Mipymes colombianas
  55. Los videojuegos en la educación: Beneficios y perjuicios
  56. Does the level of academic study influence the happiness of Spanish entrepreneurs in Industry 4.0?
  57. Social networks and academic performance self-perception in business sciences students
  58. Actitud e intención emprendedora en estudiantes de administración de empresas y de contaduría pública
  59. Happiness perception in Spain, a SEM approach to evidence from the sociological research center
  60. Happiness Management en la época de la Industria 4.0
  61. Employee Happiness in the Industry 4.0 Era: Insights from the Spanish Industrial Sector
  62. La felicidad como predictor del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios. Un análisis comparativo entre México y España
  63. El impacto de la utilización de la modalidad B-Learning en la educación superior
  64. El fenómeno del conocimiento como problema en la investigación educativa.
  65. Factors Affecting Corporate Happiness within Technology-Based Firms in Andalucia
  66. La creatividad en el sector turístico americano y europeo: Caso Croacia
  67. Una aproximación teórica para mejorar los resultados de innovación en las empresas desde la perspectiva del “Happiness Management”