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  1. Impression management through social media: impact on the market performance of musicians’ human brands
  2. Unraveling corporate brand equity: a measurement model based on consumer perception of corporate brands
  3. Country of brand origin positioning and financial performance: effects on internationalized companies from an emerging market
  4. How marketing balances the battle between premium and regular products? Brand sales dynamics in an emerging market
  5. The relationship between marketing investment and financial results of firms.
  6. The impact of marketing on firm’s financial output
  7. Is naming brands in English worth doing? Effects of foreignness and country of origin on brand equity
  8. Por que as empresas realizam aquisições com frequência?
  9. Comportamento do Consumidor em Canais Cruzados: Modelo de Mediação-Moderada nas Compras Online/Offline
  10. Cross Channel Consumer Behavior and its Benefits: Scale Validation to Assess Purchasing Process Performance
  11. Does it pay to outsource the services to an advertising agency?
  12. Effectiveness of the Positioning Statement: Experimental Test on Brand Awareness in Competitive Contexts
  13. The multilevel effect of marketing activities on sales, revenue and profitability in a micro-enterprise
  14. Publicidade de alimentos e escolhas alimentares de crianças
  15. Say-Do Correspondence in Brand Choice: Interaction Effects of Past and Current Contingencies
  16. Preditores da correspondência intenção-compra: experimento natural com reforço das marcas
  17. Explaining the amount purchased from consumers