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  1. Acute surgical management of children with ruptured brain arteriovenous malformation
  2. Hemorrhage Expansion After Pediatric Intracerebral Hemorrhage
  3. Functional outcome after severe childhood traumatic brain injury: Results of the TGE prospective longitudinal study
  4. Risk Factors for Early Brain AVM Rupture: Cohort Study of Pediatric and Adult Patients
  5. Hydrocephalus in children with ruptured cerebral arteriovenous malformation
  6. Forehead Widening in Nonsyndromic Scaphocephaly Operated After 12 Months of Age
  7. Executive functions and attention 7 years after severe childhood traumatic brain injury: Results of the Traumatisme Grave de l’Enfant (TGE) cohort
  8. Central‐line‐associated bloodstream infections in a surgical paediatric intensive care unit: Risk factors and prevention with chlorhexidine bathing
  9. First Line Onyx Embolization in Ruptured Pediatric Arteriovenous Malformations
  10. Nontraumatic Pediatric Intracerebral Hemorrhage
  11. Chirurgie secondaire des craniosténoses et faciocraniosténoses
  12. AVC de l’enfant, imagerie diagnostique et thérapeutique
  13. Self- and parent-reported Quality of Life 7 years after severe childhood traumatic brain injury in the Traumatisme Grave de l’Enfant cohort: associations with objective and subjective factors and outcomes
  14. Assessment of memory functioning over two years following severe childhood traumatic brain injury: results of the TGE cohort
  15. Self- and Parent-Reported Fatigue 7 Years After Severe Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury
  16. “Perimortem” total body CT-scan examination in severely injured children: an informative insight into the causes of death
  17. Pituitary deficiency and precocious puberty after childhood severe traumatic brain injury: a long-term follow-up prospective study
  18. Participation seven years after severe childhood traumatic brain injury
  19. Intoxication mortelle d’un nourrisson par un dispositif transdermique de fentanyl
  20. Targeted temperature management in the ICU: Guidelines from a French expert panel
  21. French clinical practice guidelines for Moyamoya angiopathy
  22. Management of severe traumatic brain injury (first 24 hours)
  23. Contrôle cible de la température en réanimation (hors nouveau-nés)
  24. Predictors of Outcome in Patients with Pediatric Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Development and Validation of a Modified Score
  25. Bilambdoid and sagittal synostosis: Report of 39 cases
  26. La collaboration médicale entre légistes et soignants peut aider les magistrats à autoriser les prélèvements d’organes pédiatriques lorsqu’un obstacle médicolégal pourrait s’y opposer ?
  27. Characteristics of defenestrating craniofacial injuries in pediatric patients
  28. Targeted temperature management in the ICU: guidelines from a French expert panel
  29. Prise en charge des traumatisés crâniens graves à la phase précoce (24 premières heures)
  30. Executive function after severe childhood traumatic brain injury – Age-at-injury vulnerability periods: The TGE prospective longitudinal study
  31. Long-term Outcome After Multiple Burr Hole Surgery in Children With Moyamoya Angiopathy: A Single-Center Experience in 108 Hemispheres
  32. Mort encéphalique traumatique et don d’organes en pédiatrie. Comment optimiser le prélèvement d’organes lorsqu’un obstacle médicolégal pourrait s’y opposer?
  33. Prospective memory 7 years after severe childhood traumatic brain injury – the TGE 2 prospective longitudinal study
  34. Stratégie craniofaciale pour les faciocraniosténoses
  35. Choc hémorragique chez l’enfant
  36. Damage control appliqué à la pédiatrie
  37. Extended follow-up of neurological, cognitive, behavioral and academic outcomes after severe abusive head trauma
  38. Immediate Postoperative Care
  39. Predicting fluid responsiveness in children using stroke volume variation and indexed stroke volume
  40. Prevalence of Pituitary Dysfunction After Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Children and Adolescents: A Large Prospective Study
  41. Long-Term Outcome of 106 Consecutive Pediatric Ruptured Brain Arteriovenous Malformations After Combined Treatment
  42. Noninvasive cardiac output measurement in postoperative children
  43. Surgical options for treatment of traumatic subdural hematomas in children younger than 2 years of age
  44. Current Techniques and Protocols in the Surgical Management of Scaphocephaly in Young Infants
  45. Differences in Medical Therapy Goals for Children With Severe Traumatic Brain Injury—An International Study
  46. Development of a 3-year-old child head–neck finite element model and derivation of novel head injury criterion
  47. Mortality in severe traumatic brain injury
  48. Scaphocephaly correction with retrocoronal and prelambdoid craniotomies (Renier’s “H” technique)
  49. Recommandations formalisées d’experts : prise en charge de l’AVC par le réanimateur. Particularités pédiatriques (nouveau-né exclu)
  50. Reducing Blood Losses and Transfusion Requirements in Craniosynostosis Surgery
  51. Cloverleaf skull deformity and hydrocephalus
  52. In Reply:
  53. Transcranial Doppler can predict intracranial hypertension in children with severe traumatic brain injuries
  54. Emergency tracheal intubation of severely head-injured children: Changing daily practice after implementation of national guidelines*
  55. Mortality in Children With Severe Head Trauma: Predictive Factors and Proposal for a New Predictive Scale
  56. About hierarchical log linear analysis of admission blood parameters and clinical outcome following traumatic brain injury
  57. Complex Pediatric Orbital Fractures Combined With Traumatic Brain Injury
  58. Hemorrhagic Shock and Encephalopathy Syndrome in a Quadriplegic Child
  59. Acute hyperglycemia is a reliable outcome predictor in children with severe traumatic brain injury
  60. Paediatric prehospital tracheal intubation: What makes different our practice across the Ocean?
  61. Le syndrome de perfusion du propofol
  62. Impact of Hypotension and Low Cerebral Perfusion Pressure on Outcomes in Children Treated with Hypothermia Therapy following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A post hoc Analysis of the Hypothermia Pediatric Head Injury Trial
  63. Admission Base Deficit as a Long-Term Prognostic Factor in Severe Pediatric Trauma Patients
  64. Utility of Computed Tomography Scan in Pediatric Blunt Chest Trauma
  65. Intraoperative hyponatremia: is it related to surgical procedure or fluid maintenance?
  66. Defenestration in children younger than 6 years old: mortality predictors in severe head trauma
  67. Spinal epidural hematoma in hemophilic children: controversies in management
  68. Focus session on the changing “epidemiology” of craniosynostosis (comparing two quinquennia: 1985–1989 and 2003–2007) and its impact on the daily clinical practice: a review from Necker Enfants Malades
  69. Pediatric Brain Death Diagnosis in the View of Organ Donation in France
  70. Paediatric intracranial empyema: differences according to age
  71. Les défenestrations accidentelles d’enfants dans trois régions de France en 2006
  72. Hypothermia Therapy after Traumatic Brain Injury in Children
  73. Management of critically ill children with traumatic brain injury
  74. Misuse of an Adult Seat Belt in a 7-Year-old Child
  75. Balloon Dissection: An Unusual Source of Venous Air Embolism During Brain Surgery
  76. Successful conservative treatment of traumatic subacute subdural haematomas in neonates with haemophilia A
  77. Prevention of Vascular Air Embolism
  78. Use of recombinant activated factor VII in intractable bleeding during pediatric neurosurgical procedures
  79. Anesthésie pour craniosténose: différencier apport hydroélectrolytique et remplissage vasculaire
  80. The epidemiology of pediatric falls from heights
  81. Epidemiology and early predictive factors of mortality and outcome in children with traumatic severe brain injury: Experience of a French pediatric trauma center*
  82. Grand mal seizures: an unusual and puzzling primary presentation of ruptured hepatic hydatid cyst
  83. L’Anesthésie-réanimation dans le traitement des craniosténoses
  84. Traumatismes crâniens de l'enfant de moins de 2 ans : négligence ou maltraitance ?
  85. Épidémiologie des chutes accidentelles de grande hauteur chez les enfants en Île-de-France entre mai et septembre 2005
  86. Malformations artérioveineuses cérébrales de l'enfant
  87. Hypothermia Pediatric Head Injury Trial: The Value of a Pretrial Clinical Evaluation Phase
  88. Combined high cervical spine and brain stem injuries: a complex and devastating injury in children
  89. Blood loss during repair of craniosynostosis
  90. Surgical evacuation of acute subdural hematoma improves cerebral hemodynamics in children: a transcranial Doppler evaluation
  91. Laparoscopic surgery in a patient with ventriculoperitoneal shunt: monitoring of shunt function with transcranial Doppler
  92. The prognostic value of transcranial Doppler studies in children with moderate and severe head injury
  93. Transfusion érythrocytaire en réanimation pédiatriquePacked red blood cell transfusion for critically ill pediatric patients
  94. Comparison of perioperative blood salvage and postoperative reinfusion of drained blood during surgical correction of craniosynostosis in infants
  95. Prise en charge anesthésique des craniosténoses
  96. Les traumatismes crâniens du nourrisson et du petit enfant : prise en charge initiale
  97. Anesthésie-réanimation des processus expansifs intracrâniens de l’enfant
  98. Arrêt cardiocirculatoire chez l’enfant traumatisé : une cause rare, la luxation atlanto-occipitale
  99. Un cas de pseudo-anévrysme hépatique traité par embolisation percutanée chez un enfant polytraumatisé
  100. Is the sitting or the prone position best for surgery for posterior fossa tumours in children?
  101. Prehospital Trauma Management of the Pediatric Patient
  102. Prehospital Trauma Management of the Pediatric Patient
  103. Postoperative Sudden Death in Two Adolescents with Myelomeningocele and Unrecognized Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia
  104. Embolie pulmonaire au cours de la sclérothérapie percutanée d’un angiome veineux sous anesthésie générale chez un enfant
  105. Postal survey of cuffed or uncuffed tracheal tubes used for paediatric tracheal intubation
  106. Pediatric neurologic emergencies
  107. Validity of applying TRISS analysis to paediatric blunt trauma patients managed in a French paediatric level I trauma centre
  108. Hémolyse aiguë au décours d’une chirurgie de correction d’une craniosténose utilisant l’autotransfusion périopératoire chez un nourrisson
  109. Epidemiology and early predictive factors of outcome in children with severe head injury
  110. Intraventricular fibrinolysis for post-traumatic intraventricular hemorrhage in a child with multiple injuries
  111. Perioperative blood salvage during surgical correction of craniosynostosis in infants
  112. Venous Air Embolism in Craniosynostosis Surgery: What Do We Want to Detect?
  113. Emergency management of deeply comatose children with acute rupture of cerebral arteriovenous malformations
  114. Complications of emergency tracheal intubation in severely head-injured children
  115. Effet de la contusion pulmonaire sur le pronostic du traumatisme crânien grave chez l'enfant
  116. Critical care management of neurotrauma in children: new trends and perspectives
  117. Editorial
  118. Non-invasive aortic blood flow measurement in infants during repair of craniosynostosis
  119. Predictive Factors of Outcome in Severely Traumatized Children
  120. Paediatric trauma and resuscitation
  121. Papillomas and carcinomas of the choroid plexus in children
  122. Conduite à tenir devant un traumatisme crânien avec perte de connaissance chez l'enfant
  123. Successful Treatment of Uncontrollable Posttraumatic Intracranial Hypertension with Dihydroergotamin in a Child
  124. Cranial aneurysmal bone cysts presenting with raised intracranial pressure: report of two cases
  125. Intraoperative antibiotic prophylaxis
  126. Anesthésie-réanimation des craniosténoses et dysmorphies craniofaciales de l'enfant
  127. 9 Severe trauma in children
  128. Intraoperative Autologous Blood Transfusion in the Surgical Correction of Craniosynostosis
  129. Cathétérisme artériel et surveillance invasive de la pression artérielle chez l'enfant
  130. Prevention of venous air embolism in paediatric neurosurgical procedures performed in the sitting position by combined use of MAST suit and PEEP
  131. The effect of renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics of oxcarbazepine and its metabolites
  132. L'asphyxie traumatique : une entité clinique précise
  134. Arterial Cell Growth in Hypertension
  135. Dose - response effects of atropine in human volunteers
  136. To the Editor
  137. Le pantalon antichoc dans la prévention de l'embolie gazeuse
  138. Prehospital sudden death: need for immediate effective resuscitation
  139. Septicemies polymicrobiennes
  140. Prehospital Sudden Death: Need for Immediate Effective Resuscitation
  141. Effect of food on the absorption of vigabatrin.
  142. Nosocomial Bacteremia and Sinusitis in Nasotracheally Intubated Patients in Intensive Care
  143. Esophageal Perforation The Need for Early Diagnosis
  144. Pharmacokinetic interations between NSAIDs (indomethacin or sulindac) and H2-receptor antagonists (cimetidine or ranitidine) in human volunteers
  145. Is there a direct relationship between lactic acidosis and epinephrine administration?
  146. Purulent Rhinosinusitis is Also a Cause of Sepsis in Critically III Patients
  147. Is There a Direct Relationship Between Lactic Acidosis and Epinephrine Administration?
  148. Sinusites aigues nosocomiales a pyocyanique
  149. Les septicemies chez le diabetique
  150. Is blood lactate determination really reliable and useful in critically ill patients with liver disease?
  151. Pneumopathies secondaires du sujet intubé par voie nasotrachéale. Rôle des sinusites nosocomiales
  152. Ecrasement des membres inférieurs. Utilisation du pantalon antichoc
  153. Nosocomial Pneumonia and Sinusitis in Intubated Intensive Care Unit Patients
  154. Hypothermia in Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  155. Listeria monocytogenes infection and hairy cell leukemia
  156. Severe diarrhea in pneumococcal bacteremia
  157. Severe Diarrhea in Pneumococcal Bacteremia
  158. Presidential Address
  159. The english language: a problem for the non-Anglo-Saxon scientific community.
  160. Institut Pasteur: private or state institute.
  161. Medicine in the Common Market. Clinical medicine and research in Britain.