All Stories

  1. Burnout en docentes universitarios: evaluación, prevención y tratamiento
  2. The role of psychosocial risks in burnout, psychosomatic disorders, and job satisfaction: lineal models vs a QCA approach in non-university teachers
  3. The effects of an intervention program on psychosocial factors and consequences during the COVID‐19 pandemic in a Chilean technology services company: A quasiexperimental study
  4. Brief Version of the Frankfurt Emotional Work Scale and Gender Difference in Emotional Labour
  5. Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Burnout Inventory in University Teachers in Hybrid Education
  6. Propiedades psicométricas del CESQT, versión Desencanto Profesional (CESQT-DP) en una muestra multiocupacional colombiana
  7. Editorial: Occupational health psychology: From burnout to well-being at work
  8. Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Spanish Burnout Inventory Among Professionals Across 17 Countries and Regions
  9. Validación psicométrica de la batería UNIPSICO en valenciano/catalán: análisis de las escalas que evalúan las variables psicosociales de demanda
  10. The healthy management: the moderator role of transformational leadership on health workers
  11. Occupational Health Psychology: From Burnout to Well-being at Work
  12. The Mediator Role of Feelings of Guilt in the Process of Burnout and Psychosomatic Disorders: A Cross-Cultural Study
  13. Validación psicométrica de la batería UNIPSICO en valenciano/catalán: análisis de las escalas que evalúan las variables psicosociales de recursos
  14. Corrigendum to “Adaptation and validation of technostress creators and technostress inhibitors inventories in a Spanish-speaking Latin American country” [Technol. Soc. 66 (2021) 101660]
  15. Adaptation and Validation of Technostress Creators and Technostress Inhibitors Inventories in a Spanish-Speaking Latin American Country
  16. Fiabilidad y validez de constructo de la traducción al valenciano/catalán del Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el trabajo (CESQT) en docentes no universitarios
  17. Validez sustantiva en el marco de la validez de contenido: Aplicación en la escala de Carga de Trabajo
  18. Development of Burnout Syndrome in Non-university Teachers: Influence of Demand and Resource Variables
  19. Influence of Burnout and Feelings of Guilt on Depression and Health in Anesthesiologists
  20. Síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (burnout) en los médicos de España
  21. Work-related burnout syndrome in physicians in Spain
  22. High involvement work systems, happiness at work (HAW) and absorptive capacity: a bathtub study
  23. Are Happy Workers More Productive? The Mediating Role of Service-Skill Use
  24. Letter to the Editor. From a polemic paradox to a proper perspective of job burnout and job satisfaction
  25. Relación entre los estilos de Liderazgo Transformacional y Laissez-faire y el Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo en profesores de educación secundaria
  26. Relación entre los estilos de Liderazgo Transformacional y Laissez-faire y el Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo en profesores de educación secundaria
  27. Trabajo emocional y estresores laborales como predictores de ansiedad y depresión en profesores universitarios mexicanos
  28. Propiedades psicométricas del "Cuestionario para el Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo" (CESQT) en profesionales de la salud italianos: una perspectiva de género
  29. La misurazione del burnout nei contesti sanitari: validità di costrutto e invarianza fattoriale della versione italiana dello Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI-Ita)
  30. Feeling Guilty or Not Guilty. Identifying Burnout Profiles among Italian Teachers
  31. Validez Inicial de una Escala de Medición del Capital Intelectual en Universidades
  32. Prevalence of burnout in Polish anesthesiologists and anesthetist nursing professionals: A comparative non-randomized cross-sectional study
  33. Prevalencia de riesgos psicosociales en personal de la administración de justicia de la comunidad valenciana (España)
  34. Influencia de los valores y la culpa en el síndrome de burnout
  35. Síndrome de Burnout em gestores municipais da saúde
  36. The UNIPSICO questionnaire: psychometric properties of the scales measuring psychosocial demands
  37. The Role of Guilt in the Relationship Between Teacher’s Job Burnout Syndrome and the Inclination Toward Absenteeism // El papel de la culpa en la relación entre el síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo y la inclinación al absentismo de profesores de Ense...
  38. Toward validating the Italian version of the "Spanish Burnout Inventory": a preliminary study
  39. Spanish Burnout Inventory
  40. Factor analysis of the Spanish Burnout Inventory among public administration employees
  41. Relationships between burnout and role ambiguity, role conflict and employee absenteeism among health workers
  42. The mediating role of feelings of guilt in the relationship between burnout and the consumption of tobacco and alcohol
  43. Riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo y salud ocupacional
  44. Validação Fatorial do "Spanish Burnout Inventory" em Policiais Portugueses
  45. Coaching cognitivo conductual: una herramienta para los psicólogos
  46. Prevención de riesgos laborales y su relación con el género de los trabajadores
  47. Influence of mobbing (workplace bullying) on depressive symptoms: a longitudinal study among employees working with people with intellectual disabilities
  48. Prevalence of burnout in Polish anaesthetist nursing professionals
  49. Factor analysis of the Spanish Burnout Inventory among Mexican prison employees.
  50. Influence of a Cognitive Behavioural Training Program on Health: A Study among Primary Teachers // Influencia de un programa de entrenamiento cognitivo conductual sobre la salud: Un estudio con profesorado de Educación Primaria
  51. Prevalência da Síndrome de Burnout em uma amostra de professores universitários brasileiros
  52. Psychometric properties of the “Spanish Burnout Inventory” (SBI): Adaptation and validation in a Portuguese-speaking sample
  53. The role of guilt on the relationship between burnout and psychosomatic disorders. A cross-national study
  54. Towards validating the Italian version of the "Spanish Burnout Inventory": A preliminary study on a nursing sample
  55. Psychometric properties of the ‘Spanish Burnout Inventory’ among employees working with people with intellectual disability
  56. Riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo y salud ocupacional
  57. Influence of Some Psychosocial Factors on Mobbing and its Consequences Among Employees Working with People with Intellectual Disabilities
  58. The "Spanish Burnout Inventory" (SBI)
  59. The Influence of Guilt on the Relationship Between Burnout and Depression
  60. Influence of mobbing on the individual's emotional deterioration and its consequences
  61. The Influence of Guilt on the Relationship Between Burnout and Psychosomatic Disorders
  62. Prevalence of burnout in a sample of Brazilian teachers
  63. Psychometric Properties of the “Spanish Burnout Inventory” in Chilean Professionals Working to Physical Disabled People
  64. Spanish Burnout Inventory
  65. Incidence of burnout in Spanish nursing professionals: A longitudinal study
  66. Validez factorial del “cuestionario para la evaluación del síndrome de quemarse por el Trabajo” (CESQT) en una muestra de médicos mexicanos
  67. Validação da versão brasileira do "Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo" em professores
  68. Relationship between cognitive behavioural treatment and Cortisol. A longitudinal study
  69. Psychometric Properties of the "Spanish Burnout Inventory" in German Professionals: Preliminary Results
  70. Prevalence of the burnout syndrome in top managers sent by multinational industrial companies on long-term working stays to foreign culture
  71. Desgaste psíquico y problemas de salud en estudiantes de psicologia
  72. Algunas razones para considerar los riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo y sus consecuencias en la salud pública
  73. Prevalencia del "síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo" (burnout) en pediatras de hospitales generales
  74. Magnitude of Relationship between Burnout and Absenteeism: A Preliminary Study
  75. European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology 8th Conference: November 12-14, 2008, University of Valencia, Spain [Program]
  76. The role of guilt in the process of burnout
  77. Satisfacción laboral en pediatras del conurbano bonaerense, Región Sur
  78. Influence of Guilt on the Relationship Between Burnout and Absenteeism
  79. Chapitre 9. Violences et épuisement professionnel
  80. Factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS) among Spanish professionals
  81. Cuidando de quem cuida
  82. Influencia del género sobre el proceso de desarrollo del síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (Burnout) en profesionales de enfermería
  83. Validez factorial de la adaptación al español del Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey
  84. Role Stress: Burnout Antecedent in Nursing Professionals
  85. Psychometric properties of the "Spanish Burnout Inventory" (SBI) in a sample of Spanish teachers