All Stories

  1. For Me or Not for Me? The Ease With Which Teens Navigate Accurate and Inaccurate Personalized Social Media Content
  2. 'Don't Fall for This': Communications about Cybersafety from the AARP
  3. “I Did Watch ‘The Handmaid's Tale’”: Threat Modeling Privacy Post-roe in the United States
  4. Responsible Computing: A Longitudinal Study of a Peer-led Ethics Learning Framework
  5. Ethics and Efficacy of Unsolicited Anti-Trafficking SMS Outreach
  6. “Citizens Too”: Safety Setting Collaboration Among Older Adults with Memory Concerns
  7. Powerful Privacy Norms in Social Network Discourse
  8. Building for ‘We’: Safety Settings for Couples with Memory Concerns
  9. "So-called privacy breeds evil"
  10. Intersectional AI
  11. Privacy and Power: Acknowledging the Importance of Privacy Research and Design for Vulnerable Populations
  12. The Politics of Privacy Theories: Moving from Norms to Vulnerabilities
  13. A Forensic Qualitative Analysis of Contributions to Wikipedia from Anonymity Seeking Users
  14. Reliability and Inter-rater Reliability in Qualitative Research
  15. Privacy, Anonymity, and Perceived Risk in Open Collaboration
  16. Distributed Leadership in OSS
  17. Performance and participation in open source software on GitHub