All Stories

  1. Near disappearance of the Angelshark Squatina squatina over half a century of observations
  2. Predicting the conservation status of Europe’s Data Deficient sharks and rays
  3. Global reconstruction of life‐history strategies: A case study using tunas
  4. Ecological lifestyles and the scaling of shark gill surface area
  5. Overcoming the Data Crisis in Biodiversity Conservation
  6. Troubled waters: Threats and extinction risk of the sharks, rays and chimaeras of the Arabian Sea and adjacent waters
  7. Fishers’ ecological knowledge of sawfishes in the Sepik and Ramu rivers, northern Papua New Guinea
  8. Global priorities for conserving the evolutionary history of sharks, rays and chimaeras
  9. Quantifying the known unknowns: estimating maximum intrinsic rate of population increase in the face of uncertainty
  10. Report card on ecosystem-based fisheries management in tuna regional fisheries management organizations
  11. Reply to Youngflesh and Lynch: Migration and population growth rate in animal black-swan events
  12. Linked sustainability challenges and trade-offs among fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture
  13. Challenges and Priorities in Shark and Ray Conservation
  14. Coherent assessments of Europe’s marine fishes show regional divergence and megafauna loss
  15. Sympathy for the devil: a conservation strategy for devil and manta rays
  16. Black-swan events in animal populations
  17. Bright spots of sustainable shark fishing
  18. Global marine protected areas to prevent extinctions
  19. The Future Species of Anthropocene Seas
  20. Growth, productivity and relative extinction risk of a data-sparse devil ray
  21. Fish conservation in freshwater and marine realms: status, threats and management
  22. Maximum intrinsic rate of population increase in sharks, rays, and chimaeras: the importance of survival to maturity
  23. The paradox of inverted biomass pyramids in kelp forest fish communities
  24. Rethinking Trade-Driven Extinction Risk in Marine and Terrestrial Megafauna
  25. Maximum intrinsic rate of population increase in sharks, rays, and chimaeras: the importance of survival to maturity
  26. Clarifying misconceptions of extinction risk assessment with the IUCN Red List
  27. Devil in the details: growth, productivity, and extinction risk of a data-sparse devil ray
  28. Ten principles from evolutionary ecology essential for effective marine conservation
  29. Temporal correlations in population trends: Conservation implications from time-series analysis of diverse animal taxa
  30. Vulnerabilities and fisheries impacts: the uncertain future of manta and devil rays
  31. Energy and the Scaling of Animal Space Use
  32. The role of habitat complexity in shaping the size structure of a temperate reef fish community
  33. Population declines of tuna and relatives depend on their speed of life
  34. Why have global shark and ray landings declined: improved management or overfishing?
  35. Ecology: Recovering the potential of coral reefs
  36. Maternal age effects on Atlantic cod recruitment and implications for future population trajectories
  37. Biodiversity: Sharks and rays in peril too
  38. Ghosts of the coast: global extinction risk and conservation of sawfishes
  39. Reliable Identification of Declining Populations in an Uncertain World
  40. The false classification of extinction risk in noisy environments
  41. Diagnosing the dangerous demography of manta rays using life history theory
  42. Defining and observing stages of climate-mediated range shifts in marine systems
  43. Thermal-safety margins and the necessity of thermoregulatory behavior across latitude and elevation
  44. Extinction risk and conservation of the world’s sharks and rays
  45. Sizing up the ecological role of sharks as predators
  46. The Conservation and Management of Tunas and Their Relatives: Setting Life History Research Priorities
  47. Ecological prophets: quantifying metapopulation portfolio effects
  48. Ecosystem ecology: size-based constraints on the pyramids of life
  49. Super-sized MPAs and the marginalization of species conservation
  50. Avoiding fishy growth curves
  51. Salmon subsidize an escape from a size spectrum
  52. Aquatic conservation: Environment in Queensland at risk
  53. Can marine fisheries and aquaculture meet fish demand from a growing human population in a changing climate?
  54. Potential consequences of climate change for primary production and fish production in large marine ecosystems
  55. Life in 3-D: life history strategies in tunas, mackerels and bonitos
  56. What is macroecology?
  57. Reliability of Indicators of Decline in Abundance
  58. Avoiding Empty Ocean Commitments at Rio+20
  59. Thermal tolerance and the global redistribution of animals
  60. Extinction risk and bottlenecks in the conservation of charismatic marine species
  61. Global population trajectories of tunas and their relatives
  62. Complex reef architecture supports more small-bodied fishes and longer food chains on Caribbean reefs
  63. Coral identity underpins architectural complexity on Caribbean reefs
  64. Drivers of region-wide declines in architectural complexity on Caribbean reefs
  65. Linked indicator sets for addressing biodiversity loss
  66. Bridging the Divide Between Fisheries and Marine Conservation Science
  67. The birds and the seas: body size reconciles differences in the abundance-occupancy relationship across marine and terrestrial vertebrates
  68. Predicting the Impacts and Socio-Economic Consequences of Climate Change on Global Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries
  69. Satellite remote sensing for an ecosystem approach to fisheries management
  70. Region-wide temporal and spatial variation in Caribbean reef architecture: is coral cover the whole story?
  71. The importance of research and public opinion to conservation management of sharks and rays: a synthesis
  72. Does more maternal investment mean a larger brain? Evolutionary relationships between reproductive mode and brain size in chondrichthyans
  73. Are spatial closures better than size limits for halting the decline of the North Sea thornback ray, Raja clavata?
  74. Global analysis of thermal tolerance and latitude in ectotherms
  75. Transitional states in marine fisheries: adapting to predicted global change
  76. The Impact of Conservation on the Status of the World's Vertebrates
  77. Impacts of climate variability and change on fishery-based livelihoods
  78. Global marine primary production constrains fisheries catches
  79. Life Histories, Population Dynamics, and Extinction Risks in Chondrichthyans
  80. Habitat degradation and fishing effects on the size structure of coral reef fish communities
  81. Fuelling the decline in UK fishing communities?
  82. The Gulf: A young sea in decline
  83. Skates on thin ice
  84. Niches versus neutrality: uncovering the drivers of diversity in a species-rich community
  85. Indicators of the impact of climate change on migratory species
  86. Flattening of Caribbean coral reefs: region-wide declines in architectural complexity
  87. Vulnerability of national economies to the impacts of climate change on fisheries
  88. Holocene extinctions in the sea
  89. A place at the table?
  90. Exploitation and habitat degradation as agents of change within coral reef fish communities
  91. Average functional distinctness as a measure of the composition of assemblages
  92. Climate change and deepening of the North Sea fish assemblage: a biotic indicator of warming seas
  93. Global-scale predictions of community and ecosystem properties from simple ecological theory
  94. You can swim but you can't hide: the global status and conservation of oceanic pelagic sharks and rays
  95. Importance of fish biodiversity for the management of fisheries and ecosystems
  96. Exploitation and Other Threats to Fish Conservation
  97. PRIORITY CONTRIBUTION: Future novel threats and opportunities facing UK biodiversity identified by horizon scanning
  98. Current and Future Sustainability of Island Coral Reef Fisheries
  99. Conservation Biology: Strict Marine Protected Areas Prevent Reef Shark Declines
  100. Threat and decline in fishes: an indicator of marine biodiversity
  101. The identification of 100 ecological questions of high policy relevance in the UK
  102. Life history correlates of density-dependent recruitment in marine fishes
  103. Biology of extinction risk in marine fishes
  104. foreword shark, skate and ray research at the mba and cefas
  105. assessing the status of demersal elasmobranchs in uk waters: a review
  106. Macroecology of live-bearing in fishes: latitudinal and depth range comparisons with egg-laying relatives
  107. Comparison of threat and exploitation status in North-East Atlantic marine populations
  108. Reference points and reference directions for size-based indicators of community structure
  109. Do climate and fishing influence size-based indicators of Celtic Sea fish community structure?
  110. Size-spectra as indicators of the effects of fishing on coral reef fish assemblages
  111. The survival of discarded lesser-spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) in the Western English Channel beam trawl fishery
  112. Using informal knowledge to infer human-induced rarity of a conspicuous reef fish
  113. Methods of assessing extinction risk in marine fishes
  114. Threatened Fishes of the World: Bolbometopon muricatum (Valenciennes 1840) (Scaridae)
  115. Coral reef cascades and the indirect effects of predator removal by exploitation
  116. Size structural change in lightly exploited coral reef fish communities: evidence for weak indirect effects
  117. Extinction vulnerability in marine populations
  118. Erratum to “Scale-dependant control of motile epifaunal community structure along a coral reef fishing gradient” [Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 278(2002) 1–29]
  119. Scale-dependant control of motile epifaunal community structure along a coral reef fishing gradient
  120. Predicting Extinction Vulnerability in Skates
  121. Life-history correlates of the evolution of live bearing in fishes
  122. The effects of fishing on sharks, rays, and chimaeras (chondrichthyans), and the implications for marine ecosystems
  123. Fishery Stability, Local Extinctions, and Shifts in Community Structure in Skates
  124. Evolutionary transitions among egg-laying, live-bearing and maternal inputs in sharks and rays
  125. An evaluation of the suitability of non-specialist volunteer researchers for coral reef fish surveys. Mafia Island, Tanzania — A case study
  126. Abstract
  127. Beverton and Holt's Insights into Life History Theory: Influence, Application and Future Use
  128. Stochasticty, nonlinearity and instability in biological invasions