All Stories

  1. Honey, Toxicity, and Intoxication: A 40,000 Year History of Mead in Southern Africa?
  2. The Doring River bullroarers rock painting: Continuities in sound and rainmaking
  3. What does it take to build resilient bee colonies?
  4. Honey Bees and Alcohol: Tracing Fermentation Practices and Bee Knowledge in Africa
  5. A functional investigation of southern Cape Later Stone Age artefacts resembling aerophones
  6. Honeybees and the /xam San Bushmen
  7. The root and tip of the ||kwanna: introducing chiasmus in |xam narratives
  8. Sounds and sound thinking in |xam-ka !au: ���These are those to which I am listening with all my ears���
  9. Profane illumination
  10. ‘Trinity is elusive and flesh has scars’: an interview with Athol Fugard