All Stories

  1. Conferences are Exclusive by Nature
  2. Discussing the Changing Landscape of Generative AI in Computing Education
  3. The Robots Are Here: Navigating the Generative AI Revolution in Computing Education
  4. Where's the Data? Exploring Datasets in Computing Education
  5. Transformed by Transformers: Navigating the AI Coding Revolution for Computing Education: An ITiCSE Working Group Conducted by Humans
  6. Socially Responsible Programming in Computing Education and Expectations in the Profession
  7. Why We Need Open Data in Computer Science Education Research
  8. Computing Students' Understanding of Dispositions: A Qualitative Study
  9. Towards Giving Timely Formative Feedback and Hints to Novice Programmers
  10. Steps Learners Take when Solving Programming Tasks, and How Learning Environments (Should) Respond to Them
  11. Perspectives on Dispositions in Computing Competencies
  12. A Comparative Study of Programming Competencies in Vocational Training and Higher Education
  13. Fostering Dispositions and Engaging Computing Educators
  14. Quantitative Results from a Study of Professional Dispositions
  15. Professional Competencies in Computing Education
  16. The Boolean Dilemma: Representing Gender as Data Type
  17. Toward Practical Computing Competencies