All Stories

  1. Letter: stool adalimumab detection in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease - authors' reply
  2. Review article: applying pharmacokinetics to optimise dosing of anti-TNF biologics in acute severe ulcerative colitis
  3. Treatment with Immunosuppressive Therapy May Improve Depressive Symptoms in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  4. Small Intestinal Intraepithelial TCRγδ+ T Lymphocytes Are Present in the Premature Intestine but Selectively Reduced in Surgical Necrotizing Enterocolitis
  5. Outcomes Following Infliximab Therapy for Pediatric Patients Hospitalized With Refractory Colitis–Predominant IBD
  6. High-Throughput Multi-Analyte Luminex Profiling Implicates Eotaxin-1 in Ulcerative Colitis
  7. STAT6 Deficiency Ameliorates Severity of Oxazolone Colitis by Decreasing Expression of Claudin-2 and Th2-Inducing Cytokines
  8. 15-year-old Girl With Metaplastic Atrophic Gastritis and Enterochromaffin-like Cell Hyperplasia
  9. Commentaries on “Workshop Report
  10. Transactivation of EGFR by LPS Induces COX-2 Expression in Enterocytes
  11. L-arginine Supplementation Improves Responses to Injury and Inflammation in Dextran Sulfate Sodium Colitis
  12. Necrotising enterocolitis is characterised by disrupted immune regulation and diminished mucosal regulatory (FOXP3)/effector (CD4, CD8) T cell ratios
  13. STAT6 activation in ulcerative colitis: A new target for prevention of IL-13-induced colon epithelial cell dysfunction
  14. Endoscopic ultrasound to guide the combined medical and surgical management of pediatric perianal Crohnʼs disease
  15. A 31-Year-Old Patient With Colitis and Perianal Disease
  16. Ciliated hepatic foregut cysts in children
  17. A Randomized Prospective Trial of Endoscopic Ultrasound to Guide Combination Medical and Surgical Treatment for Crohn's Perianal Fistulas
  18. Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody (ASCA) positivity is associated with increased risk for early surgery in Crohn's disease
  19. Risk of early surgery for Crohn's disease: implications for early treatment strategies