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  1. Young adults' personal concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland: an issue for social concern
  2. The Economic Stress Model in Emerging Adulthood: The Role of Social Relationships and Financial Capability
  3. The development of parental monitoring during adolescence: A meta-analysis
  4. Subjective financial situation and financial capability of young adults in Finland
  5. Adolescents’ preparedness and motivation across the transition to post-comprehensive education
  6. Young Adults’ Conceptions of the Sacred
  7. Warm and Supportive Parenting Can Discourage Offspring’s Civic Engagement in the Transition to Adulthood
  8. Career and Romantic Relationship Goals and Concerns During Emerging Adulthood
  9. The Role of Financial Resources and Agency in Success and Satisfaction Regarding Developmental Tasks in Early Adulthood