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  1. Estrogen-dependent disruption of intracellular iron metabolism augments the cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin in select breast and ovarian cancer cells
  2. RORB and RORC associate with human islet dysfunction and inhibit insulin secretion in INS-1 cells
  3. Elevated Levels of Estrogen Suppress Hepcidin Synthesis and Enhance Serum Iron Availability in Premenopausal Women
  4. High-Dose Deferoxamine Treatment Disrupts Intracellular Iron Homeostasis, Reduces Growth, and Induces Apoptosis in Metastatic and Nonmetastatic Breast Cancer Cell Lines
  5. Estrogen-induced disruption of intracellular iron metabolism leads to oxidative stress, membrane damage, and cell cycle arrest in MCF-7 cells
  6. Immunity to Human Fungal Infections
  7. Antifungal Agents for Use in Human Therapy
  8. The Re-Emerging Role of Iron in Infection and Immunity
  9. Estrogen-Dependent Downregulation of Hepcidin Synthesis Induces Intracellular Iron Efflux in Cancer Cells In Vitro
  10. Immunotherapy of Fungal Infections
  11. Estrogen treatment predisposes to severe and persistent vaginal candidiasis in diabetic mice
  12. Estrogen-dependent changes in serum iron levels as a translator of the adverse effects of estrogen during infection: A conceptual framework
  13. Prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of vaginal candidiasis in the UAE
  14. The Relationship between Haptoglobin Polymorphism and Oxidative Stress in Hemodialysis Patients
  15. Universal fungal vaccines
  16. Antifungal Agents for Use in Human Therapy
  17. Innate and adaptive antifungal immune responses: partners on an equal footing
  18. Universal vaccines: shifting to one for many or shooting too high too soon!
  19. Fungicidal Effects of Some Derivatives of 2-Ferrocenyl-Benzimidazoles: A Possible Template for Antifungal Drug Design
  20. The case for extrathymic development of vaginal T lymphocytes
  21. Patterns of Expression of Vaginal T-Cell Activation Markers during Estrogen-Maintained Vaginal Candidiasis
  22. Epsilometer Test-Based Determination of Susceptibility of Clinically Important Candida Isolates to Conventional Antifungal Agents
  23. Influence of Various Ultraviolet Light Intensities on Pathogenic Determinants of Candida albicans
  24. Novel Antifungal Therapies
  25. Autoantibodies against oxidized LDL correlate with serum concentrations of ceruloplasmin in patients with cardiovascular disease
  26. Utility of the oestrogen-dependent vaginal candidosis murine model in evaluating the efficacy of various therapies against vaginal Candida albicans infection
  27. Antifungal Agents for Use in Human Therapy
  28. Allelic Representation and its Effect on Genetic Variation: A Jordanian Population-based Study
  29. Age group-associated variations in the pattern of Hp type distribution in Jordanians
  30. Jordanian population data on the PCR-based loci: LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8 and GC
  31. The role of adenosine receptor engagement in murine fetal thymocyte development
  32. T cell progenitors in the murine small intestine
  33. γδ T cells, antigen recognition and intestinal immunity
  34. Functional heterogeneity of murine intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes: studies using TCR-αβ+ IEL lines and fresh iel isolates reveal multiple cytotoxic subsets differentiated by CD5, CD8α/α, and CD8α/β expression
  35. A Novel Marker of Murine Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cells That Is Expressed on Peripheral T Cells and Is Associated with a Functionally Important Molecule on Activated Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes
  36. Determination of the Virulence Factors ofCandida Albicans and Related Yeast Species