All Stories

  1. Understanding the relationship between income and mental health among 16- to 24-year-olds: Analysis of 10 waves (2009–2020) of Understanding Society to enable modelling of income interventions
  2. We need to introduce Universal Basic Income to reduce the trauma of COVID-19
  3. The knowledge exchange framework: understanding parameters and the capacity for transformative engagement
  4. Which ideas should guide US Foreign Policy? Holding fundamentalist policy paradigms to account
  5. Measuring the health impact of Universal Basic Income as an upstream intervention: holistic trial design that captures stress reduction is essential
  6. Exploring the Health Case for Universal Basic Income: Evidence from GPs Working with Precarious Groups
  7. Medically Unnecessary Genital Cutting and the Rights of the Child: Moving Toward Consensus
  8. Introduction: Militancy and the working class: The case of Northern Ireland
  9. The politics of neoliberalisation and resistance in post-crash Northern Ireland: a reply to Byers
  10. Overlooking British experiences: a reply to Evershed
  11. Teaching Participatory Action Research: Fostering Impact
  13. (Re-)Introduction to the journal
  14. Stress, domination and basic income: considering a citizens’ entitlement response to a public health crisis
  15. Fundamentalism: examining the role of public reason in ‘non-liberal’ approaches to ‘unreasonable’ doctrines
  16. Widening Participation: Developing 'Academic' Programmes in Light of Recruitment Pressure
  17. Introduction: precariousness, community and participation
  18. Marx, Romanticism and the Importance of Superstructure in Evaluating Progress
  19. Getting Multiculturalism Right: Deontology and the Concern for Neutrality
  20. Pearson and Responsibility: (Mis-)Understanding the Capabilities Approach
  21. Precariat: Labour, Work and Politics
  22. Protest - Analysing Current Trends
  23. Communicating Politics: Using Active Learning to Demonstrate the Value of the Discipline
  24. An Introduction to the Global Discourse Annual Book Review Competition 2015
  25. Conservatism and ideology
  26. Cultural Evaluation
  27. The precariat
  28. Circumcision, public health, genital autonomy and cultural rights
  29. Religious circumcision, invasive rites, neutrality and equality: bearing the burdens and consequences of belief
  30. Introduction to the journal
  31. Evaluating Culture
  32. Applying the Theory: Sources of Harm in Aboriginal Australian Communities
  33. Capabilities, Zero-Sum Choices, Equality and Scope
  34. Circumstance, Materialism and Possibilism
  35. Conclusion
  36. Introduction
  37. Needs, Goods and Self-Actualization
  38. The Case Against Cultural Evaluation: Relativism, Culturalism and Romanticism
  39. Evaluating Cultures: The Instrumentalism, Pluralist Perfectionism, and Particularism of John Gray
  40. Towards a theory of cultural evaluation
  41. Editorial Introduction
  42. Towards the Development of Objective, Universal Criteria of Cultural Evaluation: The Challenges Posed by Anti-Foundationalism, Culturalism and Romanticism
  43. Male genital mutilation: Beyond the tolerable?
  44. Editorial Introduction
  45. International Relations Theory: A Critical introduction by Cynthia Weber
  46. Grundrisse
  47. Tuva
  48. Communist Manifesto