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  1. Relations between undergraduates’ self-regulated learning skill mastery during digital training and biology performance
  2. Leveraging complexity frameworks to refine theories of engagement: Advancing self‐regulated learning in the age of artificial intelligence
  3. Examining the role of self-efficacy and online metacognitive monitoring behaviors in undergraduate life science education
  4. Initial and evolving perceptions of value and cost of engaging in undergraduate science course work and effects on achievement and persistence.
  5. Making Mathematics Relevant: an Examination of Student Interest in Mathematics, Interest in STEM Careers, and Perceived Relevance
  6. A metacognitive retrieval practice intervention to improve undergraduates’ monitoring and control processes and use of performance feedback for classroom learning.
  7. Effects of digital learning skill training on the academic performance of undergraduates in science and mathematics.
  8. A Systematic Review of Research on Personalized Learning: Personalized by Whom, to What, How, and for What Purpose(s)?
  9. Modeling temporal self-regulatory processing in a higher education biology course
  10. Psychological foundations of emerging technologies for teaching and learning in higher education
  11. A latent profile analysis of undergraduates’ achievement motivations and metacognitive behaviors, and their relations to achievement in science.
  12. Revisiting the dimensionality of subjective task value: Towards clarification of competing perspectives
  13. Appraising research on personalized learning: Definitions, theoretical alignment, advancements, and future directions
  14. Mobile technology, learning, and achievement: Advances in understanding and measuring the role of mobile technology in education
  15. Towards convergence of mobile and psychological theories of learning
  16. Can a brief, digital skill training intervention help undergraduates “learn to learn” and improve their STEM achievement?
  17. A Retrieval Practice Intervention: Frequency and Spacing Practice-Testing in the Classroom
  18. Impact of Self-Regulated Training on First-Year Undergraduates' Academic Achievement and Retention
  19. Metacognitive Awareness, Online Traces of Metacognitive Process, and Academic Performance
  20. Metacognitive Monitoring Behaviors and Self-Efficacy Sequentially Mediate Gender Achievement Gap
  21. The effects of retrieval practice and prior topic knowledge on test performance and confidence judgments
  22. The role of situational interest in personalized learning.
  23. The roles of social influences on student competence, relatedness, achievement, and retention in STEM
  24. Student motivation, stressors, and intent to leave nursing doctoral study: A national study using path analysis
  25. The Psychological Cost of College Math: Digital Learning Behaviors, Outcomes, and Genders Differences
  26. Comparing Class- and Task-Level Measures of Achievement Goals
  27. Personalization of Instruction: Design Dimensions and Implications for Cognition
  28. Examining the Cyclical, Loosely Sequenced, and Contingent Features of Self-Regulated Learning
  29. Cross-Sectional, Longitudinal and Contextual Examination of Student Efficacy and Achievement Goals
  30. Students authoring personalized “algebra stories”: Problem-posing in the context of out-of-school interests
  31. Addressing complexities in self-regulated learning: a focus on contextual factors, contingencies, and dynamic relations
  32. Attitudes Towards Algebra Measure
  33. Examining self-efficacy during learning: variability and relations to behavior, performance, and learning
  34. Motivating Students by “Personalizing” Learning around Individual Interests: A Consideration of Theory, Design, and Implementation Issues
  35. Stability and change in adolescents’ task-specific achievement goals and implications for learning mathematics with intelligent tutors
  36. Science diaries: a brief writing intervention to improve motivation to learn science
  37. Unit-Specific Achievement Goal Questionnaire
  38. Fine-Grained Assessment of Motivation over Long Periods of Learning with an Intelligent Tutoring System: Methodology, Advantages, and Preliminary Results
  39. The effects of achievement goals and self-regulated learning behaviors on reading comprehension in technology-enhanced learning environments
  40. The effects of formative assessment pre-lecture online chapter quizzes and student-initiated inquiries to the instructor on academic achievement
  41. Self-Regulated Learning and Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments