All Stories

  1. Amino acid management of Parkinson's disease: a case study [Corrigendum]
  2. Parkinson's disease managing reversible neurodegeneration [Corrigendum]
  3. Parkinson’s disease managing reversible neurodegeneration
  4. Relative nutritional deficiencies associated with centrally acting monoamines [Corrigendum]
  5. Parkinson’s disease-associated melanin steal
  6. Parkinson's disease: carbidopa, nausea, and dyskinesia
  7. The Parkinson's disease death rate: carbidopa and vitamin B6
  8. Tyrosine does not cause increased blood pressure
  9. Management of L-dopa overdose in the competitive inhibition state
  10. 5-HTP efficacy and contraindications
  11. Relative nutritional deficiencies associated with centrally acting monoamines
  12. The discrediting of the monoamine hypothesis
  13. Monoamine depletion by reuptake inhibitors
  14. APRESS: apical regulatory super system, serotonin, and dopamine interaction
  15. Validity of urinary monoamine assay sales under the “spot baseline urinary neurotransmitter testing marketing model”
  16. Amino acid management of Parkinson’s disease: a case study
  17. Treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with monoamine amino acid precursors and organic cation transporter assay interpretation
  18. Amino acid-responsive Crohn's disease: a case study
  19. A pilot study differentiating recurrent major depression from bipolar disorder cycling on the depressive pole
  20. The dual-gate lumen model of renal monoamine transport